Technology computers-hardware

How to Switch a Power Unit

    • 1). Turn off the computer. Disconnect the power cable from the wall and from the power outlet on the rear of the computer.

    • 2). Remove the screws located on the back of the case. Remove the case cover from the computer.

    • 3). Unplug all of the power cables leading from the PSU to the hardware installed to the computer. Use a pair of forceps to remove difficult-to-reach connectors.

    • 4). Remove the screws from the back of the PSU. The screws are located on the rear of the case, near the top.

    • 5). Pull the power unit towards the front of the case and lift it out of the computer. Insert a new PSU into the empty slot.

    • 6). Screw the PSU into place. Connect the proper cables leading from the power supply unit to the internal hardware.

    • 7). Reassemble the computer. Flip the switch on the back of the power unit to 110 volts or 220 volts, depending on your region. U.S. residents should use 110 volts.

    • 8). Connect the power cable to the new PSU. Connect the other end of the cable to a power outlet. Press the "Power" button to test the new power supply.

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