How to Sponge Paint a Snowman
- 1). Prepare your surface as needed. For example, wood should be sanded and painted with a base coat or glass needs to be cleaned with soap and water.
- 2). Draw the shapes on card stock in the desired sizes you want, including two circles for the snowman body, a triangle for the nose, and two rectangles for the brim and top of the hat.
- 3). Cut out the shapes and trace them onto the sponges and then cut the sponges around the trace lines.
- 4). Wash the sponges under running water and squeeze out any excess water.
- 5). Pour small amounts of paint on each plate using one plate per color.
- 6). Start with snowman body. Set the larger circle-shaped sponge onto the white paint and press slightly. You don't need a lot of paint or it will obscure the shape. If you get too much paint picked up, lightly dab the sponge onto some extra card stock or paper toweling.
- 7). Place the paint-loaded sponge onto the painting surface and press down lightly. Carefully pick up the sponger to prevent smudging.
- 8). Continue with each section of the snowman and let dry.
- 9). Add eyes, buttons and arms, using the paint brush. Using the handle tip with a bit of paint for the eyes and buttons will help make even circles.