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How to Do Needlepoint Basket-Weave Stitches

  • 1). Thread the tapestry needle with the indicated color and number of yarn or floss strands. Make threading easier by gently twisting the strand ends together.

  • 2). Pull 3-4 inches of yarn or floss through the eye of your tapestry needle. Leave this tail the same length while you work on your project.

  • 3). Position the threaded needle at the back of your canvas and bring the needle up all the way through at your starting point, leaving about 1 inch of floss or yarn at the back of your work.

  • 4). Hold this thread at the back of the fabric and work your first few stitches over it to secure the thread.

  • 5). Start a basketweave stitch in the upper right portion of the canvas area that is to be stitched.

  • 6). Bring your needle up through the hole at your starting point and down through the hole that is diagonally up and to the right of your starting point.

  • 7). Bring your needle back up again through the hole that is diagonally down and to the right of your starting point. There will be one canvas hole in between your first and second stitches. MY QUESTION IS: WHERE/HOW/IN WHAT DIRECTION DO YOU BEGIN THE NEXT STITCH?

  • 8). Repeat Steps 6 and 7 and work diagonally until you come to the end of your stitching row. At the end of your row, place a diagonal stitch just under the last stitch made. This is the first stitch of your upward row.

  • 9). Reverse your stitching direction and work a row of stitches upward, next to the row just completed. With each new stitch, you will bring the needle down through the canvas hole that lies between each stitch in your first row.

  • 10

    Work diagonally up and down until the design area is completely stitched.

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