Technology computers-hardware

How to Burn CDs From Torrents

    • 1). Click "Start" and open "Roxio Creator Basic." Type "Creator Basic" in the "Search" bar if you are unable to locate the program. Creator Basic is the default media copying program that comes with all XP and Vista OS computers.

    • 2). Click "Audio" on the left-hand tool bar. Click on "Create audio CD for car or home CD player."

    • 3). Click "Add music" under the "Create audio CD for car or home CD player" tab. Browse for your downloaded torrent files. Select the files that you wish to burn and click "Add."

    • 4). Click the up and down arrows on the tool bar to rearrange the track order. Click the "X" to remove tracks. Insert a blank CD-R disk into the disk drive. Click the red "Record" button on the bottom left-hand side of the program.

    • 5). Remove the disk when the burning process is complete, and label it. Test it out in your car or home stereo.

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