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Black Cherry Tree Life Cycle


    • Black cherry trees can grow to as tall as 80 feet and as wide as 50 feet. It is one of the largest of the cherry trees and is native to North America.

    Young Growth

    • As young tree, black cherries will grow over a foot each year. It loses its leaves annually in the fall and regrows leaves in the spring.


    • Black cherry trees begin forming fruit clusters in early spring. It is not until late summer that the fruit ripens. Fruit is identifiably ripe when it is black in color and juicy.


    • The harvest of black cherry fruit is not edible directly off the tree. Fruit is typically bitter at first harvest and is better suited for flavors and jams than table eating.

    Annual Bloom

    • The spring bloom of white flowers from the black cherry tree appear with new seasonal growth. Flowers develop in clusters which they decay are replaced by cherry fruit.

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