Travel & Places Fly Fishing

How to Make a Bluefish Rig

    • 1). Attach the end of the bait-casting reel's line to one end of the steel leader.

    • 2). Slip a size 3/0 hook onto the clasp at the end the leader.

    • 3). Bait the hook with shrimp, cut up mackerel, menhaden or eel.

    • 4). Cast out several times to where you see the bluefish feeding and reel in with a fast retrieve. If you do not have luck after the first several casts, remove the hook from the end of the leader.

    • 5). Hold the 3/8-ounce jig head in one hand. The jig head is essentially a barbed hook with a round lead head at the top. Rubber or soft plastic lures are attached to the hook. Attach a soft plastic lure to the jig head. Bluefish tend to like to strike at bright colors like white, red or green. Re-cast and retrieve the line quickly and repeat until a bluefish strikes. Strikes should be quick, especially if the bluefish are in a feeding frenzy.

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