Travel & Places Fly Fishing

How to Build Fishing Lights

    • 1). Cut a 3 foot length of monofilament fishing line from a filler spool. Form a loop 3 to 4 inches from one end of the line and tie the loop in place with a double overhand knot. This loop will be used to attach the light rig to a fishing line or longer length of line or cord.

    • 2). Measure 12 inches down from the loop you just formed and connect a chemical snap light to the line. Feed the free end of the line through the eye hole located in one end of the snap light and secure it with a double overhand knot.

    • 3). Measure 10 to 12 inches below the chemical snap light connection and tie a weight in this location with a double overhand knot.

    • 4). Connect the fishing light rig to the end of a fishing line, cord or rope. Break the chemical snap light and shake so that it will be activated.

    • 5). Drop the light into the water to a desired level. Allow the light to suspend motionless in the water and attract minnows and larger fish.

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