Cures For Sleep Apnea? Try Wearing a Mask to Bed
While sleep apnea is not normally considered to be a serious disease it can have a very negative affect on your life and, if left untreated, could result in death.
Some of the numerous dangers of this sleep disorder include daytime sleepiness, hypertension and even possible heart failure.
However, there are non-invasive cures or treatments for sleep apnea that do not require surgery and bring relief from this condition.
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) This is probably the most common non-invasive device used to treat sleep apnea.
It consists of a machine, tubes and a mask that you wear over your nose.
A CPAP machines works by providing pressurized air which pushes the tongue forward and opens your airways.
This device is normally prescribed for people who have moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea.
However, it has also shown to be effective for people who have more serious sleep apnea.
A CPAP machine is available only through a prescription from your doctor.
The downside of CPAP is that it is uncomfortable to wear.
Some people who have been given CPAP machines end up either not using it or wearing it for only a few hours are days.
Because of this, the manufacturers of CPAP machines have created improvements such as a heated humidifier that provides moist, warm air.
This prevents you from having a dry mouth and sore throat, making it easier to tolerate the mask.
Another new feature of CPAP machines is called ramping.
It provides a low pressure as you first fall asleep and then gradually increases air pressure during the night.
Bi-level positive airway pressure (BiPAP) These machines push a steady level of pressure into your airway throughout the night.
The machine prove oides veering levels of pressure that decrease as you breathe out and increase as you inhale.
BiPAP machines are normally more expensive than CPAP machines, but some patients find that is the varying levels of pressure they provide are more comfortable and easier to tolerate then the level CPAP machines.
Adaptive servo-ventilation (ASV) This type of machine stores your breathing patterns as information in a computer and uses it to prevent airflow disruptions.
The way it does this is by releasing pressure that normalizes your breathing process.
It is a newly approved device and has shown to produce higher success rates for sleep apnea sufferers.
Mouthpiece Mouthpieces are oral devices that are now commonly used to prevent the breath pauses this disorder.
They are easier to use, cheaper, smaller and have become a good alternative to sleep CPAP machines.
Originally, mouthpieces were prescribed only for patients with mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea, but they have now proved to be effective in treating even severe cases.
The mandibular advancement device (MAD) is one of the most common mouthpieces now prescribed.
It has to be made up by your dentist or orthodontist.
It is custom fit to your mouth and looks like the mouth guards used by athletes.
The way it prevents apnea events is by pushing your lower jaw forward and adjusting your tongue, to keep it from blocking your airway.
Another common device is called a tongue restraining device or TRD.
This device is held by the teeth and pushes your tongue forward to keep your airway open.
Like the MAS mouthpiece, the TRD device mist be prescribed by your doctor and made by a dentist or orthodontist.
Whether your doctor prescribes a device such as a CPAP or BiPAP machine or mouthpiece will depend mostly on the severity of your sleep apnea and your own personal feelings.
But the important thing is to get a definitive diagnosis and then begin treatment before the condition become even more serious and has even a more negative affect on your life.
Some of the numerous dangers of this sleep disorder include daytime sleepiness, hypertension and even possible heart failure.
However, there are non-invasive cures or treatments for sleep apnea that do not require surgery and bring relief from this condition.
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) This is probably the most common non-invasive device used to treat sleep apnea.
It consists of a machine, tubes and a mask that you wear over your nose.
A CPAP machines works by providing pressurized air which pushes the tongue forward and opens your airways.
This device is normally prescribed for people who have moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea.
However, it has also shown to be effective for people who have more serious sleep apnea.
A CPAP machine is available only through a prescription from your doctor.
The downside of CPAP is that it is uncomfortable to wear.
Some people who have been given CPAP machines end up either not using it or wearing it for only a few hours are days.
Because of this, the manufacturers of CPAP machines have created improvements such as a heated humidifier that provides moist, warm air.
This prevents you from having a dry mouth and sore throat, making it easier to tolerate the mask.
Another new feature of CPAP machines is called ramping.
It provides a low pressure as you first fall asleep and then gradually increases air pressure during the night.
Bi-level positive airway pressure (BiPAP) These machines push a steady level of pressure into your airway throughout the night.
The machine prove oides veering levels of pressure that decrease as you breathe out and increase as you inhale.
BiPAP machines are normally more expensive than CPAP machines, but some patients find that is the varying levels of pressure they provide are more comfortable and easier to tolerate then the level CPAP machines.
Adaptive servo-ventilation (ASV) This type of machine stores your breathing patterns as information in a computer and uses it to prevent airflow disruptions.
The way it does this is by releasing pressure that normalizes your breathing process.
It is a newly approved device and has shown to produce higher success rates for sleep apnea sufferers.
Mouthpiece Mouthpieces are oral devices that are now commonly used to prevent the breath pauses this disorder.
They are easier to use, cheaper, smaller and have become a good alternative to sleep CPAP machines.
Originally, mouthpieces were prescribed only for patients with mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea, but they have now proved to be effective in treating even severe cases.
The mandibular advancement device (MAD) is one of the most common mouthpieces now prescribed.
It has to be made up by your dentist or orthodontist.
It is custom fit to your mouth and looks like the mouth guards used by athletes.
The way it prevents apnea events is by pushing your lower jaw forward and adjusting your tongue, to keep it from blocking your airway.
Another common device is called a tongue restraining device or TRD.
This device is held by the teeth and pushes your tongue forward to keep your airway open.
Like the MAS mouthpiece, the TRD device mist be prescribed by your doctor and made by a dentist or orthodontist.
Whether your doctor prescribes a device such as a CPAP or BiPAP machine or mouthpiece will depend mostly on the severity of your sleep apnea and your own personal feelings.
But the important thing is to get a definitive diagnosis and then begin treatment before the condition become even more serious and has even a more negative affect on your life.