Technology Microsoft Software & solutions

How Can I View the Event Viewer on Another PC?

    • 1). Click "Start," then click "Control Panel" to open the Control Panel window. Double click "Administrative Tools" to open the Administrative Tools window.

    • 2). Double click the "Event Viewer" shortcut in the Administrative Tools window. This opens the Event Viewer console window. The Event Viewer console is split vertically into two panes.

    • 3). Right click the "Event Viewer (Local)" folder in the right pane of the Event Viewer console window. Select the "Connect to another computer" option. This opens a "Select Computer" dialog box.

    • 4). Click the "Another computer" radio button in the Select Computer dialog box. Type the name of the computer you wish to connect to in the text strap next to the "Another computer" radio button. Click "OK."

    • 5). Type a user name and password in the log on dialog box when prompted. The event logs you are seeing in your Event Viewer console will now contain data from the remote computer you are connected to.

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