Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

How to Tell If a Watermelon Is Ready to Eat

    • 1). Thump on the top of the watermelon with your finger. If you hear a dull thud, the watermelon is ripe and ready to eat. If you don't hear a thud at all, the melon is still too firm to eat.

    • 2). Inspect the rind. The rind should be of a dull green color with little contrast between the stripes of color. The melon should feel slightly rough and be free of any dents, bruises or cuts. The bottom of the melon will appear yellow--not white. If you notice a lot of white on your melon, the fruit still needs to be ripen and should not be eaten.

    • 3). Pick up the watermelon. A melon that is ready to eat will feel heavy. Watermelons are 92 percent water. Pick up a few melons and compare their weight.

    • 4). Cut the watermelon. Use a sharp knife to cut through the rind. If the rind feels very firm and there's a lot of resistance while trying to cut the fruit, the melon is likely not ready to eat. A ripe, ready to eat melon will cut with little effort--you shouldn't haven't to apply a lot of weight while cutting.

    • 5). Inspect the inside of the watermelon. The edible portion (minus the rind) of the fruit should appear pink and juicy. Watermelon that appears green is not ready to eat.

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