Technology Apple

The App Features for the Apple iPod Touch

    Basic Apps

    • You may be immediately anxious to download new apps to your iPod Touch as soon as you get it, but Apple loads the device with a number of handy apps for your immediate use. This list includes email, Safari Web browsing, the App Store, iTunes, maps, a photo viewer, YouTube and voice recording. With the email app, you can send and receive emails and even view attachments. The Safari Web browser allows you to surf the Internet when you're in a Wi-Fi zone, while the photo viewer allows you to organize the photos you take with the iTouch camera into a library. With the maps features, you'll have all the benefits of a GPS system, including directions to anywhere you wish to go.


    • While the iTouch can't be used for traditional phone calling, its FaceTime video chatting application makes keeping in touch with other iTouch users simple. While the iTouch has a rear-mounted camera like the iPhone, a second, front-facing camera is used for FaceTime. When you connect with another iTouch user through this program, you'll be able to see and hear them talk as they see and hear you. If you want to show the person you're chatting with what you're seeing, just press a button to switch to the rear-mounted camera.

    Game Center

    • The Game Center app comes already loaded onto the iTouch, giving you immediate access to a gaming network that you can enjoy with other iTouch users. Here, you can play games individually or against others and then compare scores and accomplishments. This app will determine bragging rights among which gamer is best out of your group of friends. Game Center features a variety of games, including racing games and board games.

    App Store

    • Through the App Store icon on your iTouch you'll have touch-of-a-button access to several hundred thousand apps. Some apps are free and others cost money, but as long as you're in a Wi-Fi zone you can quickly download them to your handheld device. Apple's Genius program provides you with a list of recommended apps based on the apps you've already downloaded. Popular application categories include social networking, games, music, travel and fitness.

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