Bog Water Plants
- Bog water plants thrive in a low-lying muddy pond environment. Most plants survive in 12 inches or less of water. It is important to never allow the plant substrate to dry out. Bog plants prefer hot sunny areas where they receive at least four to six hours of sun a day. One downfall of these plants is that they are extremely evasive and will take over the pond or water garden if not planted or monitored correctly. Never place bog water plants on the bottom of dirt ponds, because they will multiply quickly.
- Common water bog plants include clematis iris, yellow star flowers, arrowhead, water avens and lobelia cardenalis, the scarlet flowers. Plants that grow in this muddy moist environment tend to be colorful, bright additions to the aquatic landscape. The arrowhead is a common water plant that many gardeners tend to remove from the pond edges due its fast-growing qualities. Arrowhead is often referred to as a pond weed. Most plants, such as water avens, no longer grow in the wild, they now have to be planted by gardeners.
- Each plant features unique water specifications required for survival. Bog plants tend to be quite particular regarding the level of water they need. Plants purchased at a store often have water requirements written on the side of the pot or on the tag. Always ask the plant specialist for instructions if you are unsure. Many county extension offices feature master gardener sites that allow you to ask questions. Seek out an extension in the south that frequently deals with bog display gardens.
- Besides beauty, bog plants play an important role in a pond or small water feature. Plants growing in the water stabilize the water's chemistry, by absorbing fish waste and reducing nitrate levels in the water. Algae is common in water gardens or ponds and can significantly affect fish survival. Bog plants utilize important nutrients from the water that algae would normally thrive on, thus keeping algae growth at a minimum. Fish specifically rely on plants within the water environment for shade, proper oxygen levels and breeding.