How to Scan Documents and Edit in WordPerfect
- 1). Turn on your scanner and place the first page of your document onto the scanner bed.
- 2). Turn on you scanner software. Choose the type of document you will be scanning in from the presets offered (usually something like "Image" "Text Alone" or "Text and Image"). Turn on the "OCR" functionality top let the program know you want to scan the document in as editable text.
- 3). Click on the "Preview Scan" function to perform a preliminary scan of the document. Then use the "Cropping" tool to crop out those parts of the image you don't need (borders or page numbers).
- 4). Click to perform the full scan. Repeat these steps to scan in all the pages of your document. If your OCR program lets you, save all the pages to a single document.
- 5). Save the page or pages as a WordPerfect document (.wpd) if that is an option. If not, save it as a Word document (.doc) or a Rich Text Format (RTF) file, both of which can be directly opened in WordPerfect.
- 6). OpenWordPerfect. Select "File" from the men and click "Open." In the dialog that pops up, browse to the document you saved in step 5 and open it. You can now edit this document as you would any other.