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How to Make Soap Crafts

    • 1). Combine the lye and the water in a measuring cup.

    • 2). Combine the oils and the shea butter in a stockpot.

    • 3). Heat the stockpot over medium heat.

    • 4). Place a thermometer into each mixture to measure the temperature. Once both mixtures reach 100 degrees Fahrenheit, pour the lye water into the stockpot.

    • 5). Stir the mixture with a spoon for 20 minutes until it thickens.

    • 6). Pour the mixture into a jelly roll tray or a cookie sheet with high sides. Allow it to cool.

    • 7). Cut out shapes from the cooled soap sheet using cookie cutters.

    • 8). Place the cookie cutter soaps onto a piece of waxed paper.

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