Crocheted Paddy Protector Directions
- 1). Chain 30 with your main color.
- 2). Make a double crochet in the eighth chain from the hook. Chain two, skip the next two chains and make a double crochet. Continue this pattern to the end of the row. Chain five. Turn your work. You should have a row of nine boxes.
- 3). Repeat the pattern--double crochet, chain two, skip two--with a chain five and turn at the end of each row until you have a filet crochet grid that is nine boxes square. Finish by cutting off your yarn, leaving a 3-inch tail, pulling it through the last stitch and weaving into your work with the tapestry needle.
- 1). Join your accent color to the grid with a slip stitch at the upper right corner of the fourth square over in the fourth row from the top of the grid. Chain two. Make three half-double crochets in the chain two space to the right of the chain two you just made. Crocheting into the "space" means you make your stitches around the chain.
- 2). Work counterclockwise making four half-double crochets into the chain two spaces of the next two sides of that square, turning your work if necessary. Work straight across the next two chain two spaces in the grid, making four half-double crochets in each until you reach the lower right-hand corner of the sixth square over in the fourth row from the top of the grid.
- 3). Turn your work counterclockwise and make four half-double crochets in the next chain two space. Work your way around the sixth square in the same manner, turning your work as you go. At the bottom of the square, continue making four half-double crochets in each chain two space until you reach the sixth square over in the sixth row from the top.
- 4). Turn your work again and make four half-double crochets around the square in the same manner. Continue making half-double crochets and turning until you reach your starting point. Make a slip stitch in the top of your chain three. Cut your yarn, leaving a short tail, pull it through the stitch, and weave back into your work.
- 5). Slip stitch your main color yarn to the bottom right corner of the sixth box over in the third row down from the top and chain three. Turn your work counterclockwise and make three half-double crochets in the chain two space. Work your way around the center motif you just made, making four half-double crochets in three sides of each square around. You will see "hills and valleys" develop. Work in the same manner until you reach your starting point. Finish off and join as before.
- 6). Join your accent color to the bottom left corner of the eighth box over in the second row from the top and chain three. Make three half-double crochets in the chain two space to the left. Make four half-double crochets in chain two spaces all the way around the square. At the bottom of the square, begin working hills and valleys across the other squares in the row until you reach the second-to-last square in the row. Work all the way around this square. Make hills and valleys across. Repeat the cornering process and make hills and valleys across until you reach your starting point. Finish off.
- 7). Slip stitch your main color to the bottom right corner of the eighth square in the top row, chain three and make hills and valleys around the perimeter of the piece until you reach your starting point. Finish off and weave in all ends.