How to Get Rid of Banding
- 1). From the File Menu, choose Open, then navigate to where your image file is stored and click the Open button.
- 2). Use the Lasso tool to make a rough selection around the area where you observe banding. If you go too far with your selection, hold down the Alt key (Option on the Mac) and use the Lasso tool to subtract part of the selection. If you need to add to your selection, hold down the Shift key and use the Lasso tool to add to the selection.
- 3). Choose Layer>New>Layer Via Copy (or press Control-J on the PC or Command-J on the Mac). This will place a duplicate of the part of the image you selected onto a new Photoshop layer.
- 4). From the Filter Menu, choose Noise>Add Noise. Set the Amount to a number low enough that the noise conceals the banding but does not overpower your image. The amount you add depends on the size and resolution of your image. Set the Type to Gaussian and deselect Monochromatic.
- 5). Choose File>Save As and make sure to save as .PSD (Photoshop's native format). Do this if you want to save your layered file. Otherwise, choose Flatten Image from the Layer Menu. Now save your file as a TIFF, JPEG or whatever format suits your purposes.