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How To Change a Water Pump on a Johnson Outboard 88 HP

    • 1). Remove all except one bolt in the lower unit, just above the prop in the cavitation plate. Use the 3/8-inch drive ratchet and a socket to remove the bolts. Disconnect any electrical connectors.

    • 2). Remove the last bolt from the lower unit with care so that the unit does not slide off and cause injury. Lower the unit and prop it up straight with the drive shaft vertical.

    • 3). Remove the four bolts in the top of the water pump using the 3/8-inch drive ratchet and socket. Withdraw the water pump from the drive shaft by lifting it up and over the shaft. Remove the rubber gasket that was under the water pump followed by the metal gasket and another rubber gasket.

    • 4). Remove the plastic cap and O-ring from the pump, followed by the impeller.

    • 5). Install the new rubber gasket from the water pump kit, followed by the metal gasket and finally another rubber gasket onto the lower unit.

    • 6). Install the new impeller in the water pump housing and install the housing and impeller over the drive shaft and with a slight twisting of the driveshaft, slide the housing down on the rubber gasket. Insert the O-ring and top cap. Screw in and tighten the four bolts.

    • 7). Line up the holes in the lower unit with the holes in the engine's lower extension and insert the bolts and tighten.

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