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Windows Explorer Blank Page Problems


    • When you experience a blank Internet page, you are unable to access the Internet or view any Web pages. This problem possibly indicates that there is a system setting that is incorrect. All of the hardware connections should also be checked for proper connectivity and verify the connections are not causing the blank page.


    • Windows Explorer blank page problems can be caused by Windows files that are not registered. During system updates, many Window files are automatically registered but some may not be registered properly. Microsoft provides information on its support site regarding the names of the files to register and the steps to register them using the "run" command. Once the files are registered, you should attempt to re-open your Web browser and verify that the page is no longer blank.


    • When a computer system is experiencing a blank page in Windows Explorer, the user may also experience an error message, such as "page cannot be explored." If the user is connected to a network, the entire network can also be affected. If there is a problem with the network settings, the Internet connection can be affected. Since the network's connection settings can affect all users, the blank Internet page can occur on several users' computers.


    • If you experience a blank Internet page, you should contact your Internet service provider before changing any of your network settings. Altering any of the network settings can cause additional problems on your system. If you attempt to alter this information without the advice of a professional, be sure to practice caution.


    • Some users may experience Windows Explorer blank page issues on a regular basis. If the problem is repaired and then occurs again, a virus or spyware may have affected the computer's settings. A reputable anti-spyware software and an antivirus software should be installed on the system. Run a scan on the computer to verify that it is free of viruses and spyware and see if it resolves the blank page problem.

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