Technology Microsoft Software & solutions

How to Uninstall HighMAT

    • 1). Click the "Start" button located on the lower left corner of the desktop menu.

    • 2). Open "Control Panel" from the start menu. Double click on "Add and Remove Programs" for Windows XP and Windows Vista, or double click on "Programs" and then click on "Programs and Features" for Windows 7.

    • 3). Scroll down the alphabetized program list in the "Currently installed programs" box until you find "HighMAT Extension" or "HighMAT.exe."

    • 4). Click on "HighMAT Extension" or "HighMAT.exe" to highlight it and click on the "Remove" button for Windows XP and Vista or the "Uninstall" button for Windows 7.

    • 5). Click on the "Yes" button when prompted to confirm the uninstall of the program.

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