How to Repair Windows XP Service Pack 2
- 1). Click on "Start," then "Control Panel." Click on "Classic View" in the left column.
- 2). Double-click "Add/Remove Programs."
- 3). Locate and click on "Internet Explorer 7" or "Internet Explorer 8" in the list of installed programs. Click on the "Remove" button.
- 4). Follow the onscreen prompts to complete the process.
- 1). Insert the Windows XP Service Pack 2 installation disk. Restart the computer.
- 2). Access your BIOS by pressing the appropriate key. Most computers show a "Press X to Access BIOS Setup" message immediately after starting the computer. Press the key shown. If you do not see this statement and do not know how to access your BIOS, please consult your motherboard or computer manual.
- 3). Navigate to "Advanced Boot Options." Select your CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive as your first boot device and the hard disk as the second boot device. Save and exit the BIOS.
- 4). Press any key to boot from CD.
- 5). Press the "Enter" key. Do not press "R" at this time.
- 6). Press "F8" to accept the licensing agreement, then press "R" to begin the repair installation.
- 7). Follow the onscreen prompts to complete the repair process.
- 8). Run Windows Update, and reinstall Internet Explorer and any additional software if necessary.