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Four O'clock Flower Identification


    • The blooms of a four o'clock flower are pink, red, white or yellow. They may be solid color or have multi-colored stripes. The blossoms have five petals that are in a circular shape. The center of the flower is usually a darker shade than that of the flower petals.


    • A mature four o'clock flower will be around two feet tall and two feet wide. They often grow in very dense clusters that resemble bushes.

    Bloom time

    • A four o'clock flower usually opens in late afternoon. This plant's blooms will normally remain open until early the following morning. The drop in temperature is responsible for the blooms opening rather than the time of day.


    • The leaves of a four o'clock flower will be medium to light green in color and are dull in appearance. They are usually oval shaped at one end and pointed at the other. The surface of these leaves may appear bubbly or wavy.

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