Fungus Blight on Plants
- Leaf spotting, Septoria blight and Botrytis blight are fungal diseases. The spores of fungi are carried by the wind or transmitted to each plant through drops of water and infect the plant.
- According to Ohio State University Extension, some common types of fungus blight are scab on crabapple, black spot of rose, Entomosporium leaf spot on hawthorn and anthracnose on shade trees. Early blight and late blight, both of which are caused by fungi, affect tomato plants.
- Symptoms of fungus blight diseases on plants include circular lesions, dark brown spots on leaves, target-like spots and yellowing of affected leaves. Fungal blight diseases often cause plants to lose their leaves early. Rainy weather favors the development of such diseases and allows them to spread rapidly, according to the North Dakota State University Agriculture website.
- Blight diseases are often controlled with the use of fungicides, which are most effective if applied to plants before symptoms appear or at the onset of symptoms.