Technology Microsoft Software & solutions

How to Fix Dll Errors in Microsoft

    • 1). Go to one of the numerous Dynamic Link Library, or DLL, online libraries.

    • 2). Click on the particular DLL that is named in the error message. For example, in the error message "Cannot Load XPConfigSupport.dll," the named DLL is "XPConfigSupport.dll."

    • 3). Click "Download" and download the DLL to your "C:\Windows\System32" folder. If you are having trouble doing this, you can always download the DLL to your desktop and then drag the DLL into the "C:\Windows\System32" folder. To locate the "C:\Windows\System32" folder, type the name of the folder into the "Search" box.

    • 4). Click "Start," type "cmd" into the Search box and press "Enter." The command prompt will open.

    • 5). Type "regsvr32 name.dll" into the command prompt and press "Enter." The "name.dll" should be replaced with the name of the DLL that you downloaded. This command will register the DLL.

    • 6). Close the command prompt and restart your computer.

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