Travel & Places Fly Fishing

How to Put on a Fishing Weight


    • 1). Open the split-shot fishing weight sufficiently to allow the fishing line to lie along the inside of the weight. In some cases the weight will be open enough to let the fishing line fit.

    • 2). Lay the fishing line along the open weight, much as you would place a hot dog in an open bun. Gently crimp the weight closed around the fishing line with a pair of smooth jaw pliers. These pliers apply even pressure on the weight and make removing the weight easier.

    • 3). Move the fishing weight up or down to the desired position, relative to the hook, and apply a final crimp to lock the weight in place. Attach several weights to the line to address specific needs such as water speed, depth and buoyancy of the bait.

    Sliding Weight

    • 1). Run the fishing line through the opening of the sliding weight before attaching any hook or lure. Pull enough line through the sliding weight to let you attach a hook or lure.

    • 2). Move the sliding weight up or down the line to the desired position and peg it in place with a wooden or plastic jam. You can remove this jam when you want to and then reposition the sliding weight.

    • 3). Make a loop with the fishing line and run it through the opening of the sliding weight as an alternative to using a wooden or plastic jam. Pull the loop through the opening and pass the sliding weight through the line loop to lock the weight in place. This method will also work with any fishing weight with a looped wire attachment. Run a length of fishing line through the wire loop and pull the weight through the fishing line loop that was just formed.

    Rubber Core

    • 1). Place the fishing line along one edge of the rubber core as it runs through the fishing weight. Gently slide the fishing line between the rubber core and the weight body.

    • 2). Gently pull the rubber core from one or both ends (depending on the size of the weight) to allow the fishing line to move completely into the core between the weight body and the rubber insert. Release the rubber core and it will expand, locking the weight in place along the line.

    • 3). Adjust the position of the weight by gently pulling the rubber core at each end and then moving the weight. Releasing the rubber core will lock the weight in place at its new position.

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