Technology computers-hardware

How to Train a Smartboard

    • 1). Simultaneously press the two buttons on the front of the Smartboard tray. One button has a picture of a keyboard. The other has a picture of a mouse. A grid will be displayed on the screen. Look for a red cross target in the top left-hand corner of the screen.

    • 2). Press the center of the red cross with your finger. As you do, the next target will appear. Tap each target as it appears. Go slowly so you can accurately touch the center. If you mess up, press the two buttons again and start over.

    • 3). Wait for the grid to disappear after you've pressed the final red cross. Your Smartboard is now oriented.

    • 4). Use a pen to test the Smartboard. Make sure your marks appear where you write them on the board. If not, go through the steps again.

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