Technology Microsoft Software & solutions

How to Mount Mini Blinds

    • 1). Set the blind in the closed position. Clip the brackets to the headrail of the blinds at the ends, or in another position along the headrail if recommended by the manufacturer.

    • 2). Hold the blinds up to the intended installation position. Place a small level on top of the blinds to ensure that they are flat in place.

    • 3). Trace the brackets onto the wall so that you can see where you need to install the securing screws. Lay the blinds down and measure the distance between the brackets and the ceiling or top of the window enclosure; the distance should be the same for each bracket.

    • 4). Remove the brackets from the headrail. Line up each bracket with its mark on the wall. Insert an awl into each of the holes in the brackets to create dents into the wall where you will install the attaching screws. These will serve as pilot holes for your screws.

    • 5). Install the screws into the brackets to secure the brackets to the walls. Screw them in tightly enough that they hold the brackets up, but do not tighten the screws completely yet.

    • 6). Set the headrail into place in the brackets and double check to make sure that it is centered and leveled. When you know you have the correct position, remove the headrail and tighten the brackets to the wall.

    • 7). Install support brackets for your blinds. The number of brackets will vary depending on the size of your blinds. For a single support bracket, center the pieces along the headrail. For multiple brackets, space them evenly across the surface. Make sure they align with the end brackets.

    • 8). Screw the support brackets into place, first using the awl and then securing the screws. Install the headrail into the brackets. Attach additional pieces, such as cords or control wands, per manufacturer instructions.

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