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Dating Tips For Men - How To Talk To Women

Knowing how to talk to women is one of the more common things that guys will list as an area that they really want to be able to master. Dating can be an awkward experience and if you don't know how to talk to women, then it's going to be even more awkward, that's for sure. Some guys think that they have to 'master' conversation or resort to some crazy hypnotic technique to talk to women, but you really don't have to go that far with it.

If you want to know how to talk to women, then you have to be able to GRAB her attention, and keep it locked on you for more than just a few minutes. The key is to become comfortable when you are talking to women, as most guys look like they are on the edge of their pants when they are trying to lay down a little 'game.'

Here are some tips to talk to women that should give you an edge in the dating world:

1. Start with something SIMPLE. Too often I see guys trying to get real complicated with learning tricks and techniques to talk to women when really, all you need to do is to keep it simple at the start. You don't have to immediately draw her in and make her fall under your spell with your words. You just have to pique her interest and make her want to hear more from YOU.

2. More than anything else, you want to make her GIGGLE. Yes, giggle. You want to hear that cute little sound of laughter coming from her while you are talking with her. Laughter is great when it comes to building both rapport and attraction with a woman and when you can make her let out that little giggle, then you KNOW that you are headed in the right direction with her.

3. Find out what interests her and that's what you talk about. You don't want to make things one sided where you dominate the conversation with a woman. You want to find out what HER interests are and then go with them as your topics of conversation. This will easily keep her engulfed in talking with you, as well as impress her as a man that pays attention to her.

Talking to a woman CAN be easy or intimidating. When you know exactly what to say to her to keep her locked on YOU, then it not only be easy and fun, it will build attraction with her.

Copyright (c) 2010 C Tyler

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