Technology Microsoft Software & solutions

How to Burn a Vista Boot Disc

    • 1). Visit the NeoSmart webpage in the Resources section and click on the "Download Windows Vista recovery disc" link at the bottom of the page. Follow the on-screen instructions to download the file to your computer.

    • 2). Open up the CD burner software that came installed on your computer. If none was installed, then you can download ImgBurner free from the link in Resources. Double-click the downloaded file and follow the on-screen instructions to install ImgBurner.

    • 3). Double-click on ImgBurner to open the program up and then click "File," and "Open" and browse to the file you downloaded from NeoSmart. Select the file and click "Burn."

    • 4). Insert the blank CD when prompted and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the burning process. Now the CD is ready to use to boot up Windows Vista whenever you need it.

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