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How to Change a Windows XP Support Contact

    • 1). Open Notepad. Type "[General]" without the quotation marks in the first line, and press "Enter."

    • 2). Type "Manufacturer=" followed by the name that you would like Windows to display as the computer manufacturer. For example, the completed line might read "Manufactuer=Super Computers Inc." Press "Enter."

    • 3). Type "Model=" followed by what you would like Windows to display as the model name or number for the computer. Press "Enter."

    • 4). Type "SupportURL=" followed by the full address of the support website, if applicable. Type "http://" before the address. If there is no support address this line may be omitted. Press "Enter."

    • 5). Type "[Support Information]" and press "Enter." Everything entered following this line will be displayed when the user clicks the "Support Information" button after viewing the System Properties window.

    • 6). Type "Line1=" "" and place the text of your choice between the two quotation marks. For example, a completed line might read "Line1="To reach technical support by phone or email, contact us using the information below."" Omit the outside quotation marks given in the example, but maintain the quotation marks before and after your text. Press "Enter."

    • 7). Type "Line2=" "" and enter another line of text, if desired. Continue this process for as many lines of text as you like.

    • 8). Click "File," then click "Save As."

    • 9). Click the drop-down menu next to "Save as type," and select "All Files."

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      Name the file "OEMINFO.INI" and save it in the folder "C:\\Windows\\System32." Note that if the Windows XP installation you are working with was installed by another computer manufacturer, you may be overwriting an "OEMINFO.INI" file created by them. If you are working with a new OEM Windows XP installation, you will be creating a new file.

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      Restart the computer. Right click the "My Computer" icon when the desktop is displayed and click "Properties." The support information that you entered will be shown.

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