Safety on indian roads is Null
Right to life and safety is the fundamental right of any citizen. This is guaranteed under the constitution of every country in the world including India. However, more people die every year from road accidents all over the world than the number killed during the whole of the Second World War. Studies by World Bank have estimated that about 5, 00,000 people lose their life each year as a result of road accidents and over 15 million suffer injuries. About 70 percent of these occur in developing countries, particularly in African and Asian countries.
Media in every city in Indian provide a daily review of individuals murdered and injured in traffic accidents. As a reaction to this increased attention, NGOs have come up in many places to deal with this improving city plague of loss of life and devastation. Public safety officers also hold street protection weeks, artwork contests, zero threshold pushes and demand greater powers to fine and punish. This has gone on for the last two years. However, the eliminating and the maiming continue unchecked.
A look at some of the research on street protection provides a picture globally and especially in creating nations like Indian. Road fatalities now brings the list of random fatalities in Indian much more than any other such as by sinking, fire, track or air incidents. The scale of street injuries in Indian is improving at an escalating rate. About 60,000 individuals are killed every year in Indian and top the world in the variety of road fatalities. Nationwide level of fatalities per kilometer is 0.025.
Road fatalities are due to a number of reasons, primary among them are bad condition of roads and traffic violations, poor implementation of various laws governing road traffic and safety issues, and last but not the least, the faulty engineering of road mechanics, may it be road design or traffic lighting etc. Furthermore, lack of awareness of road safety issues amongst the masses and apathy of the policy makers and implementers add to the increasing problem of road safety.
Road fatalities are due to a variety of reasons, primary among them are bad condition of streets and visitors offenses, poor execution of various regulations relating to visitors and concerns of protection, and last but not the least, the defective technological innovation of street aspects, may it be street design or visitors lighting etc. Furthermore, lack of knowledge of street concerns of protection amongst the public and apathy of the plan creators and implementers add to the improving problem of street protection.
So, how do we start? First of all, we should select practical actions that are known to work in all situations and apply them regionally. Second, we need to set up systems for collection and research of street accident information on a medical basis matched for our socio-economic conditions. Then, this information can be used to adjust guidelines and set up long lasting protection programs. It is about time our plan creators and vehicle producers give more significance to technology in street protection rather than PR for street protection.
Take the situation of essential safety measurements for the two-wheeler drivers. While it took years for the government to have the principle apply in the investment condition, for an incredible number of drivers in non-metro Indian the provision is a remote control cry. Even the simple visitor's guidelines are not noticed and applied thanks to the lax visitors authorities of the nation.
Media in every city in Indian provide a daily review of individuals murdered and injured in traffic accidents. As a reaction to this increased attention, NGOs have come up in many places to deal with this improving city plague of loss of life and devastation. Public safety officers also hold street protection weeks, artwork contests, zero threshold pushes and demand greater powers to fine and punish. This has gone on for the last two years. However, the eliminating and the maiming continue unchecked.
A look at some of the research on street protection provides a picture globally and especially in creating nations like Indian. Road fatalities now brings the list of random fatalities in Indian much more than any other such as by sinking, fire, track or air incidents. The scale of street injuries in Indian is improving at an escalating rate. About 60,000 individuals are killed every year in Indian and top the world in the variety of road fatalities. Nationwide level of fatalities per kilometer is 0.025.
Road fatalities are due to a number of reasons, primary among them are bad condition of roads and traffic violations, poor implementation of various laws governing road traffic and safety issues, and last but not the least, the faulty engineering of road mechanics, may it be road design or traffic lighting etc. Furthermore, lack of awareness of road safety issues amongst the masses and apathy of the policy makers and implementers add to the increasing problem of road safety.
Road fatalities are due to a variety of reasons, primary among them are bad condition of streets and visitors offenses, poor execution of various regulations relating to visitors and concerns of protection, and last but not the least, the defective technological innovation of street aspects, may it be street design or visitors lighting etc. Furthermore, lack of knowledge of street concerns of protection amongst the public and apathy of the plan creators and implementers add to the improving problem of street protection.
So, how do we start? First of all, we should select practical actions that are known to work in all situations and apply them regionally. Second, we need to set up systems for collection and research of street accident information on a medical basis matched for our socio-economic conditions. Then, this information can be used to adjust guidelines and set up long lasting protection programs. It is about time our plan creators and vehicle producers give more significance to technology in street protection rather than PR for street protection.
Take the situation of essential safety measurements for the two-wheeler drivers. While it took years for the government to have the principle apply in the investment condition, for an incredible number of drivers in non-metro Indian the provision is a remote control cry. Even the simple visitor's guidelines are not noticed and applied thanks to the lax visitors authorities of the nation.