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How to Setup MSI Wrapper

    • 1). Drag the program's installer file onto the desktop. It will likely be labeled "Installer" or something similar. If you are installing from a CD, open the CD (in "My Computer") and drag the installer file from there.

    • 2). Rename the file "setup.exe."

    • 3). Open your "Start" menu and type "cmd.exe" (wwithout quotes) in the search bar at the bottom. Hit "Enter."

    • 4). Click "cmd.exe."

    • 5). Type the following into the command line window that appears:

      setup.exe /s /v "/qn INSTALLDIR=C:\Program Files"

    • 6). Add "/u" (no quotes) after "/v" if you wish to uninstall, rather than install, the program.

    • 7). Hit "Enter." The program installer will now run, installing all the program's default settings. It will likely display a message when it finishes (this varies by program).

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