Technology computers-hardware

How to Burn a CD Startup Disc

    • 1). Download the appropriate file from This file is an ISO bootable CD image and has all files you need to burn the disk. Files are organized by operating system. Click on your system file from the menu on the right side of your screen. Save the file in an area that will be easy to find, such as your desktop.

    • 2). Start Nero Burning Rom in your computer. Do this by clicking on the Start button located in the left corner of your desktop and selecting "All Programs." Highlight Nero and click on Nero Burning Rom.

    • 3). Click on "File" on the Nero menu located at the top of the window. Click "Open...," this will open a dialog box that allows you to select the file you downloaded earlier. Once you have located the file, highlight it and select "Open" from the bottom of the box.

    • 4). Insert a clean CD-R into your CD burner.

    • 5). Burn the CD by clicking on the "Burn" button, located on the right side of the "Burn Compilation" window. When the process is complete, the door of the burner will open. Take out the CD. Use a marker and write on the front of the CD, "Startup Disc."

    • 6). Store the disk is a safe location.

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