Yoga : Health & Medical

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Stretches To Grow Taller - How Yoga Can Help You Increase Your Height

Stretches To Grow Taller - How Yoga Can Help You Increase Your Height

There have been many discussions as to whether stretches to grow taller actually work and I am here to tell you that they really do and if you are interested in increase your height then something you may be interested in is taking up yoga! Why you ask? Below I will explain why this can be highly ef
Tips to Get Started With Simple Yoga Exercises Which Help With Detox

Tips to Get Started With Simple Yoga Exercises Which Help With Detox

Yoga is definitely here to stay and millions of people enjoy its benefits. Did you know that there are simple yoga exercises that can help your body work better and flush out unwanted toxins? Here are some tips for you if you are new to yoga...
The Basics of Yoga Equipment Defined

The Basics of Yoga Equipment Defined

Yoga is among the best exercise programs that you can do if you wish to improve your health as well as your fitness. It's a terrific way to sweat off those extra weights and live longer.
Meditation For Beginners - Meditate With Complete Peace!

Meditation For Beginners - Meditate With Complete Peace!

The smartest thing is to attempt several alternate means in seeking to attain the many advantages of meditation, in advance of selecting one which is best for you. While many individuals enjoy doing meditation with a type of exercise such as pilates, aerobics, or yoga, others prefer meditation by it
Easy Beginners Meditation

Easy Beginners Meditation

How to perform simple meditation techniques in your own home for stress relief and peace of mind. The technique is very easy and only takes 5 or so minutes out of your day.
Tips to Get Started in a Bikram Yoga Class

Tips to Get Started in a Bikram Yoga Class

Bikram Yoga is a type of yoga developed by Bikram Choudhury. It is also called "hot yoga" as the classes are held in a room that has been heated to at least 100 degrees Fahrenheit. This yoga offers 26 poses that help you train your muscles and joints.
How to Do the Yoga Corpse Pose

How to Do the Yoga Corpse Pose

Folks, do not let the name of the pose frighten you as in Corpse Pose! (It has nothing to do with a literal death) more with relaxation. That said, the Yoga Corpse/Relaxation Pose is a restorative pose that is usually practiced during and after your yoga session.
Meditation and Stress - Change How You Deal With Stress Through Meditation

Meditation and Stress - Change How You Deal With Stress Through Meditation

Stress is one of the biggest problems in our society today. Many of the issues that people have with their health, performance at work, and life in general can be linked to stress. It can also be linked to how they respond to the various types of stress in their lives.
Going Within to find Peace of Mind

Going Within to find Peace of Mind

By slowing your brain waves down through meditation your mind begins to expand. As you clear your mind of the clutter inside you allow room for possibilities to emerge. Suddenly ideas you never imagined existed are at the forefront of your being.
Secrets of Back Pain Part 3

Secrets of Back Pain Part 3

PosesStrength: Many yoga poses require you to support the weight of your own body in new ways, including balancing on one leg (such as in Tree Pose) or supporting yourself with your arms (such as in Downward Facing Dog).Some exercises require you to move slowly in and out of poses, which also increa
3 Meditation Tricks When Your Mind Begins To Wander

3 Meditation Tricks When Your Mind Begins To Wander

Does your mind wander when you are trying to meditate? Try one or all of these tricks to help your mind calm down and become present in your meditation.
Meditation Techniques and Kundalini

Meditation Techniques and Kundalini

Kundalini Yoga has an immense variety of meditation techniques. Yogi Bhajan created literally hundreds of different meditation techniques, with each technique intended for a different kind of purpose. Some of these include: - stress reduction - increasing vitality - addiction therapy. Classical Yoga
Health Treatment Through Yoga

Health Treatment Through Yoga

So there are alternatives - acupressure, ayurveda and one of the best alternatives considered is "YOGA". Yoga helps in maintaining body systems functioning properly. Any malfunction could be cured if an individual practiced Yoga regularly under an expert trainer.
Practicing Hatha Yoga For a Personal Growth Path

Practicing Hatha Yoga For a Personal Growth Path

In Yoga classes, we are taught about Santosha (contentment). Yet, how can we be content with our lives, when we are influenced by the past, and the society we live in? We have to accept the fact that we are products of our family, culture, and education. To accept oneself at "face value" a
Teaching Hatha Yoga - Contraindications For Inversions

Teaching Hatha Yoga - Contraindications For Inversions

What is an inverted posture, or an inversion, in a Hatha Yoga class? Technically, any posture (asana), in which the head is below the heart, is an inversion. Whether you stand on your head, bend forward, or bend back, if the head is below the heart, you are performing an inversion.The following cont
Improving Your Posture Through Yoga

Improving Your Posture Through Yoga

Regardless of who you are, where you come from, or your age. We all have problems with our posture in one form or another. While we might not think about it when were slouched on the couch, we are doing damage to our bodies with poor posture. In all walks of life children and adults can be seen hunk
Yoga and Meditation Music Can Relax Your Body, Mind and Soul

Yoga and Meditation Music Can Relax Your Body, Mind and Soul

Yoga is one of the amazing physical exercise movements that teach the discipline of body, mind and soul all together. It is originated from India, a country of traditions and mythologies. Presently, it is one of the amazing methods for curing mental and physical ailments. Performing Yogasana or yogi
How Does Meditation Work?

How Does Meditation Work?

When I am asked, "How does meditation work? I often have to ask a few questions myself before I can give a satisfactory answer. For instance, does the person mean how does meditation work for stress relief? Or how does meditation work at reducing blood pressure?, Or how does meditation work for
Dragon Meditation Does Not Guarantee to Improve Your Skills

Dragon Meditation Does Not Guarantee to Improve Your Skills

This article discusses supporting DM to skill improvement. However, DM cannot improve your skill. Some benefit of DM can read in this article to complete eight articles before from author.