Health & Medical Yoga

Tips to Get Started in a Bikram Yoga Class

Bikram Yoga is a type of yoga developed by Bikram Choudhury.
It is also called "hot yoga" as the classes are held in a room that has been heated to at least 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
This yoga offers 26 poses that help you train your muscles and joints.
Bikram Yoga helps you promote weight loss and clean out the toxin from your body.
In addition, it also gives you a psychological benefit.
Performing this yoga enables you to release anxieties and tensions.
It also helps you to increase your optimism.
To create a healthier lifestyle, you may want to try practicing Bikram Yoga.
Now you have easier access in joining these yoga sessions since many studios offer Bikram Yoga classes.
However, sometimes you may feel awkward in getting started in something new.
Below are some tips to get started in a Bikram Yoga class: 1.
Search for a studio to practice yoga.
It would be better if you find a studio near your home or office.
When searching for a studio, make sure that it has room size at least 1,200 sq.
feet with mirrors as well as carpeted floors.
A studio should also have separate showers for men and women.
Prepare yourself for the room's heat.
A room for practicing Bikram Yoga is generally heated to between 105 to 110 degrees F (40 to 43 C).
Each session is held for 90 minutes so you will sweat a lot.
To anticipate this, drink plenty of water before and after these yoga sessions.
Get ready for some unexpected sensations during and after the class.
On the first session, you may feel nauseous or lightheaded.
These sensations show that a detoxification process is taking place in your body.
However, they can also be a sign of dehydration.
After the class, you may also feel lightheaded as a result of body realignment.
You can overcome this sensation by taking a lot of water and fruit.
Arrive at the studio well before the class starts.
This is because you will need to sign up first and obtain preliminary instructions from the yoga teachers.
Wear light clothing to help you stay comfortable during the session.
Clothing with a moderate fit is recommended to support your movement.
Pay attention to the instructions given by the teachers.
You can also watch how the other students perform the movements to improve your skills.
Don't immediately leave the class when the practice session is over.
Try to lie in a shava asana pose (dead man's pose) for two minutes to achieve complete relaxation.
Attend the yoga class regularly to obtain the maximum benefits.
Typically you should attend classes at least three times a week to gain full benefit.

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