Dragon Meditation Does Not Guarantee to Improve Your Skills
Eight of my articles about dragon meditation (DM) always said some benefit to everybody if train DM.
It is will improve your life but not your skills.
DM can support your self when you conduct some action in your life.
As I mention in my website http://www.
com, DM can develop some benefit for your life.
The benefits are (1).
You get more relax and enjoy in your body, mind, soul and feeling.
Your body more light, health and strong.
You are free from stress and psychosomatic (4).
You have six sense and very sensitive feeling (5).
You have ability to heal your self and another people (6) your body, mind, soul, feel and desire can harmonize can control your emotion.
(7) Your brain will more smart and easy for concentration when work and learn (8).
You can hear of your heart that gives truth information for your life (9).
Your way of life more wisdom and calm in action (10).
You have self-shield and self-protection capability although this is not main goal.
You will more close to your GOD based on your own way and religion.
(12) You get potentials for success in your career because your body, mind, soul, action and feel can harmonize and support your activities.
(13) and..
many more.
Your life will more complete if your skills support in develop your career and relation with another human.
You will get more better life and money if your skills more improve day by day.
This is one of secret of success in everyday life in career or relation.
Some effort to improve your skills like: improve your reading skills; improve your knowledge of your field with some effort like course, seminar, discussion, etc.
and always find effective and efficient way to solve your job and problem.
More important is keep as simple man.
Simple man is people with positive thinking and solution-oriented life.
Do not make your self under the problem but you "must be above the problem".
Therefore, if you have problem, then you straight to solution without find someone to place the blame on.
Get the solution soon as possible.
I know there huge way to grab your success with skill improvement.
Once again, I say: DM cannot improve your skills but will support you in preparing of your skill improvement.
DM will make you as people with readiness in every time and every condition.
With some benefit of DM, your mentality and physically will always ready to conduct anything in your life.
Trust me! You will more strong and confidence in your office, career, love, sex, social relationship, etc.
If you are not ready to conduct DM, please try any meditation that you know right now.
Try with your heart and I guarantee will meet with your self and your god.
In addition, do not forget to give my greeting to your god and your self too.
It is will improve your life but not your skills.
DM can support your self when you conduct some action in your life.
As I mention in my website http://www.
com, DM can develop some benefit for your life.
The benefits are (1).
You get more relax and enjoy in your body, mind, soul and feeling.
Your body more light, health and strong.
You are free from stress and psychosomatic (4).
You have six sense and very sensitive feeling (5).
You have ability to heal your self and another people (6) your body, mind, soul, feel and desire can harmonize can control your emotion.
(7) Your brain will more smart and easy for concentration when work and learn (8).
You can hear of your heart that gives truth information for your life (9).
Your way of life more wisdom and calm in action (10).
You have self-shield and self-protection capability although this is not main goal.
You will more close to your GOD based on your own way and religion.
(12) You get potentials for success in your career because your body, mind, soul, action and feel can harmonize and support your activities.
(13) and..
many more.
Your life will more complete if your skills support in develop your career and relation with another human.
You will get more better life and money if your skills more improve day by day.
This is one of secret of success in everyday life in career or relation.
Some effort to improve your skills like: improve your reading skills; improve your knowledge of your field with some effort like course, seminar, discussion, etc.
and always find effective and efficient way to solve your job and problem.
More important is keep as simple man.
Simple man is people with positive thinking and solution-oriented life.
Do not make your self under the problem but you "must be above the problem".
Therefore, if you have problem, then you straight to solution without find someone to place the blame on.
Get the solution soon as possible.
I know there huge way to grab your success with skill improvement.
Once again, I say: DM cannot improve your skills but will support you in preparing of your skill improvement.
DM will make you as people with readiness in every time and every condition.
With some benefit of DM, your mentality and physically will always ready to conduct anything in your life.
Trust me! You will more strong and confidence in your office, career, love, sex, social relationship, etc.
If you are not ready to conduct DM, please try any meditation that you know right now.
Try with your heart and I guarantee will meet with your self and your god.
In addition, do not forget to give my greeting to your god and your self too.