Meditation Techniques and Kundalini
Kundalini Yoga has an immense variety of meditation techniques.
Yogi Bhajan created literally hundreds of different meditation techniques, with each technique intended for a different kind of purpose.
Some of these include: - stress reduction - increasing vitality - addiction therapy Classical Yoga has a plethora of styles and techniques for doing meditation.
What makes Kundalini Yoga different is that you can choose a specific technique depending on the outcome you are seeking.
Misconceptions There is a common misunderstanding about meditation in general.
Most people believe that it is all about quieting the mind and eliminating all thoughts.
As you may realize, this is practically impossible to accomplish.
The mind constantly bombards you with thoughts, and trying to suppress this would be futile.
Instead, the idea is to use the silence to shift your attention inward.
In this way, you become aware of what is going on in your minds background.
Distractions should be accepted.
When they happen you just shift back to your point of focus or mantra.
What you don't want to do is react to these invading thoughts.
With practice you should be able to let the mantra dissolve these thoughts.
The techniques are practical, effective, and can be done in a short amount of time.
Mantra, breath, focus, and mudra are used.
What are Mudras you say? Picture a ninja movie from the 80's.
The ninja is poisted, silently kneeling with hands and fingers intertwined in mysterious configurations.
You get the idea.
When done correctly they can influence the mood, or even harness energy.
Example step 1.
Imagine the earth beneath you as a circle with a star in the globe.
Use the word "Earth" as a mantra.
Circle with your star in the earth, until the whole earth among you is full of light.
Rub the ground with your feet.
step 2.
Picture a huge sun in the sky.
See it sending its rays down on you.
Let the rays flow into you.
Fill your entire body with light and use the mantra "Sun".
Move your feet and toes.
step 3.
Circle the earth with the star around your body while thinking the mantra "body".
Release all tensions in your body, as you wrap yourself with light.
Now massage your body.
step 4.
Now circle the earth with the star inside your body.
Section by section, release each body part of tension and fill it with light.
Think of the mantra "Light.
" Focus on the star being in your head, chest, abdomen, legs and feet.
Massage these parts of the body.
step 5.
Move your hand in a blessing gesture and think, "I send light to (my name).
May all people be happy.
May the world be happy.
" step 6.
Place your hands on your stomach.
Tense the muscles in the pelvis, in the abdomen and chest.
Keep the tension.
Repeat one more time.
Take several deep breathes all the way into your stomach.
When inhaling think "Om", and "Shanti" when exhaling.
As you repeat "Om - Shanti", you will soon discover your thoughts becoming quiet.
step 7.
Finally, as your star is circling, your energy has turned inwardly.
Your back is straight, head is upright, and your belly relaxed.
Open your eyes full or halfway and focus on the energy inside you (the light, a chakra, or the Kundalini channel in the middle of your body).
Thus, the energy in your eyes flows inwardly and stabilizes your meditation.
Concentrate on the Kundalini channel, a chakra (heart or sacral chakra) or the light within you.
Spend some time in quiet meditation.
Now come back slowly.
Yogi Bhajan created literally hundreds of different meditation techniques, with each technique intended for a different kind of purpose.
Some of these include: - stress reduction - increasing vitality - addiction therapy Classical Yoga has a plethora of styles and techniques for doing meditation.
What makes Kundalini Yoga different is that you can choose a specific technique depending on the outcome you are seeking.
Misconceptions There is a common misunderstanding about meditation in general.
Most people believe that it is all about quieting the mind and eliminating all thoughts.
As you may realize, this is practically impossible to accomplish.
The mind constantly bombards you with thoughts, and trying to suppress this would be futile.
Instead, the idea is to use the silence to shift your attention inward.
In this way, you become aware of what is going on in your minds background.
Distractions should be accepted.
When they happen you just shift back to your point of focus or mantra.
What you don't want to do is react to these invading thoughts.
With practice you should be able to let the mantra dissolve these thoughts.
The techniques are practical, effective, and can be done in a short amount of time.
Mantra, breath, focus, and mudra are used.
What are Mudras you say? Picture a ninja movie from the 80's.
The ninja is poisted, silently kneeling with hands and fingers intertwined in mysterious configurations.
You get the idea.
When done correctly they can influence the mood, or even harness energy.
Example step 1.
Imagine the earth beneath you as a circle with a star in the globe.
Use the word "Earth" as a mantra.
Circle with your star in the earth, until the whole earth among you is full of light.
Rub the ground with your feet.
step 2.
Picture a huge sun in the sky.
See it sending its rays down on you.
Let the rays flow into you.
Fill your entire body with light and use the mantra "Sun".
Move your feet and toes.
step 3.
Circle the earth with the star around your body while thinking the mantra "body".
Release all tensions in your body, as you wrap yourself with light.
Now massage your body.
step 4.
Now circle the earth with the star inside your body.
Section by section, release each body part of tension and fill it with light.
Think of the mantra "Light.
" Focus on the star being in your head, chest, abdomen, legs and feet.
Massage these parts of the body.
step 5.
Move your hand in a blessing gesture and think, "I send light to (my name).
May all people be happy.
May the world be happy.
" step 6.
Place your hands on your stomach.
Tense the muscles in the pelvis, in the abdomen and chest.
Keep the tension.
Repeat one more time.
Take several deep breathes all the way into your stomach.
When inhaling think "Om", and "Shanti" when exhaling.
As you repeat "Om - Shanti", you will soon discover your thoughts becoming quiet.
step 7.
Finally, as your star is circling, your energy has turned inwardly.
Your back is straight, head is upright, and your belly relaxed.
Open your eyes full or halfway and focus on the energy inside you (the light, a chakra, or the Kundalini channel in the middle of your body).
Thus, the energy in your eyes flows inwardly and stabilizes your meditation.
Concentrate on the Kundalini channel, a chakra (heart or sacral chakra) or the light within you.
Spend some time in quiet meditation.
Now come back slowly.