Health & Medical Yoga

Health Treatment Through Yoga

Yoga has proved itself as the factor to regain health and remain juvenile.
Even in the Western World there is a wave of persons practicing Yoga in their daily life.
There are success stories where individuals have sorted out their issues and manage stress through yoga.
Yoga in fact is an ancient technique to optimize the mind and body and maintaining the health equilibrium.
Today in the USA alone there are several Yoga centers where numerous peoples from all classes and standards are practicing Yoga.
So now what exactly the Yoga is? To understand the right meaning of Yoga along with its significance we have to understand the human anatomy.
Biologically our body consists of several systems - Nervous System, Digestive System, Circulatory System, Excretory System & Muscular system etc.
Whenever we are ill or fell ill there is some mishap with our systems.
For example if we are caught up with influenza which is a disease caused by a microbe, we take antibiotic and all clear.
But what about chronic diseases like stress, constipation, low eyesight, poor memory concentration, sleeplessness these are not caused by any microbe (disease carrying organism).
So these are not considered as diseases but some sort of maladies or malfunctioning as: oConstipation oHypertension (High Blood pressure) oHypotension (Low Blood pressure) oIndigestion oTension oDepression oStress oTiredness oObesity oEyesight weakness oAsthma oMigraine oInsomnia etc.
All these are caused due to malfunctioning of our body systems which I have aforesaid.
Though there exist the allopathic treatments for all of these disturbances, yet they are fully accompanied by several side effects.
So there are alternatives - acupressure, ayurveda and one of the best alternatives considered is "YOGA".
Yoga helps in maintaining body systems functioning properly.
Any malfunction could be cured if an individual practiced Yoga regularly under an expert trainer.
The basic question - what Yoga comprises and how to initiate it.
The answer - Yoga is an ancient system of treatment and not exactly the treatment but the method to keep your body and mind in normal / optimize phase.
Pantajali (considered as Yoga's Guru) in his book on Yoga has explained several ways of performing Yoga.
Yoga comprises of Asanas and Dhyana - Body postures and Meditation respectively.
Body postures includes several postures of body either standing or lying down in different ways in order to make the muscles and body parts press and relax.
Meditation is of the most used and tested way of treating several mental problems including stress.
In meditation there is a concentration equilibrium maintained between body and mind and the stage comes when an individual feels himself absence not physically but mentally.
This way there is some sort of effect of secretion of brains nerves and a person feels relax and active.
Ultimately yoga is the best tool to fight against the bodily deformities/malfunctions and if practiced regularly could cure even the most chronic situations.

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