Yoga : Health & Medical

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Begin Learning Kundalini Yoga At Home With Guru Rattana

Begin Learning Kundalini Yoga At Home With Guru Rattana

Guru Rattana takes you on a journey to self-discovery. When you subscribe to her Kundalini Yoga course and practice Kundalini yoga, you find a potent way to renew and enhance your physical and spiritual awareness and energy long-term.
How Binaural Beats Will Now Powerfully Shift Your Mindset When Meditating

How Binaural Beats Will Now Powerfully Shift Your Mindset When Meditating

Binaural beats are generally put into use to help you experience a far deeper meditative experience and to switch your state of consciousness. A great majority of People ponder how exactly binaural beats function to transfer consciousness. This informative content will reveal the key reason why this
Meditation: How to

Meditation: How to

Meditation is a kind of discipline by which someone attempts to go beyond exactly what the mind is thinking and proceed to a deeper state of awareness or perhaps relaxation. Its primary focus is the mental aspect of the mind that has the aim of leading the focus to one healing element maybe a sound,
Trouble Meditating? Try Walking or Tracing a Labyrinth

Trouble Meditating? Try Walking or Tracing a Labyrinth

For many people, the mere idea of sitting cross-legged and staring at a wall in a darkened room immediately puts them off of the idea of meditating, while for others it's the reality of sitting quietly with one's own thoughts which sends them off looking for someone, anyone, to talk to. I
Yoga Stretching Exercises and Beyond

Yoga Stretching Exercises and Beyond

Yoga is an age old science with millions of followers worldwide. It is known to help an individual develop physically as well as spiritually. It boosts the immunity of the practitioner and makes the body very flexible. Yoga stresses on a combined mental and physical development. All the yoga poses a
Yoga - A Practice That Helps You Lose Weight

Yoga - A Practice That Helps You Lose Weight

Practicing Yoga comes with a lot of mental and physical benefits which include safe weight loss. Obesity is as a result of consuming too many calories without engaging in physical activities to burn off these extra calories. Other than this, obesity can also be as a result of severe underlying reaso
What Took Yoga So Long to Arrive in the West?

What Took Yoga So Long to Arrive in the West?

High levels of trade took place between Europe and India throughout the 19th Century. It was not until the second part of the 20th Century that Yoga gained popularity in the west. The opening up ...
Yoga for PMS

Yoga for PMS

Most women experience PMS symptoms at different points of their lives. PMS (premenstrual symptom) is usually characterized by anxiety, irritability, depression, craving sugary foods and feeling bloated. There are many homeopathic and nutritional solutions for relieving the PMS, but a regular yoga as
The Elements of a Handstand

The Elements of a Handstand

For yoga teachers and self practitioners, this article discusses the various elements of doing a handstand from two points of view. One perspective is the three stages of entering, holding and leaving a handstand, the other perspective is the key elements of the body that we need to be able to feel,
Overview of Yoga for Beginners

Overview of Yoga for Beginners

The following is a write up on yoga for beginners. It discusses how beginners should start performing yoga, the importance of precautionary measures and meditation. It even advices the need for a good
Why Bigelow Tea Is Referred To As The Tea Of Life!

Why Bigelow Tea Is Referred To As The Tea Of Life!

The Bigelow tea has come a good distance after making a humble beginning in a little apartment. At present, Bigelowtea has extended its business and offers a wide range of natural teas that are clearly well-known. There are a variety of flavors and each one of these teas has a really diverse flavor
The Fourth Chakra

The Fourth Chakra

This is a brief introduction to the Fourth Chakra also known as the heart chakra. The Fourth Chakra is also known as the "Heart Chakra". This chakra is the guiding force for the previous three chakras. It helps the first chakra merge the physical with the divine. The sexual energy of the s
Dividends Of Yoga Teacher Training Courses For Sincere Yoga Enthusiasts

Dividends Of Yoga Teacher Training Courses For Sincere Yoga Enthusiasts

Yoga has become an integrated part of modern lifestyle. It helps the people to gain self-control, self-awareness and self-discipline. Passionate individuals having high inclination towards this ancient art look forward to gain yogic wisdom from insightful yoga instructors. If you are sincere about y
Prasara Yoga - Practice Your Way to a Healthier Body

Prasara Yoga - Practice Your Way to a Healthier Body

Get started today in the hottest new trend in yoga and start working towards sculpting the body of your dreams. Prasara yoga is a challenging workout that can quickly transform your body from flabby and out of shape to healthy, energetic and toned.
Hope Is Undermining the Value in Your Life Now

Hope Is Undermining the Value in Your Life Now

Hope, your imaginary future is causing hopelessness with life as it is now. As your life now is undeniably your only existence, hope for something else is depleting and not; as most believe, sustaining or uplifting. Hope is a desperate attempt to cope with the reality of something whilst avoiding it
Dragon Meditation - Transformation Process Of Universe Power To Our Body And Soul

Dragon Meditation - Transformation Process Of Universe Power To Our Body And Soul

This article discuss about dragon meditation definition. All about result of dragon meditation will mention in this article. But actually this is short info about dragon meditation guidance for all people in the world.
Are You So Anxious to Succeed in Meditation That You Are Killing Your Meditation?

Are You So Anxious to Succeed in Meditation That You Are Killing Your Meditation?

When I first started meditating, I did nothing but complain. I was guilty of saying things like: "It's not working." "I can't do this."
The Many Benefits Of Yoga Therapy For Osteoporosis

The Many Benefits Of Yoga Therapy For Osteoporosis

According to the latest statistics from health care professionals, osteoporosis affects more than 200 million people worldwide. A chronic condition where a person's bones gradually become weaker over time, it can lead to various types of...