Health & Medical Yoga

The Fourth Chakra

The Fourth Chakra is also known as the "Heart Chakra".
This chakra is the guiding force for the previous three chakras.
It helps the first chakra merge the physical with the divine.
The sexual energy of the second chakra is transformed into loving light and the raw energy of the third chakra is converted for higher spiritual purpose of life.
Heart chakra is located in the center of the chest and is the center of all the seven chakras.
This chakra is the source and receptor of primary energy of love.
Heart chakra helps to balance all the seven chakras with loving guidance.
This chakra influences the functioning of the Thymus Gland, located in the center of the chest, just behind the upper breastbone.
Thymus Gland controls the functioning of the immune system and focusing on the heart chakra has beneficial affect on your over all health.
Before we move any further there is one point that needs to be clarified.
In human terminology above is usually supposed to be better or superior than below, but in Kundalini chakras this distinction is meaningless since all the chakras above or bellow the heart chakra or of equal importance.
They all compliment each other and none is complete without the other.
Just as in the universe every part has a meaning in the whole while no part is complete in itself.
As you progress in your Kundalini meditation you will realize that the heart chakra being at the center of all the chakras is of crucial importance, since it balances the physical realm with the spiritual realm.
Love is the essential quality of the fourth chakra and hence it helps us avoid extremes on either side.

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