Overcome Codependency - Discover The Freedom of Emotional Independence
Emotional independence is the ability to consistently meet your own needs. It means knowing how to pay attention to yourself, validate yourself, and provide yourself with a sense of self-worth. It is
Leadership Insights from the American Revolution
Could the British have formulated a strategy that would have been successful in achieving the policy objective of continued domination of the thirteen North American Colonies?Did the British use of sea power as part of a cohesive strategy reflect more a Mahanian or Corbettian theory of naval/maritim
What Is a Alpha Male
Alpha male is a term used in describing any group of society of animals that live closely together and have a dominant leader. The alpha male has existed since the dawn of man, he is ...
Success Development and Mind Set Training Excuse #15 - I Don't Have the Energy
Latch onto the idea that you don't have the energy to change your life, and you have latched onto a flimsy yet effective strategy for staying right where you are. Coming up with excuses can be a very tiring ordeal in itself. When you put this one "I don't have the energy" to the
A Living Theme For the Summer - Becoming Self-Evident
A living theme is an ideal or quality that you want to enhance in your life. I used to select a theme for the New Year every January, but I have found that over time it tended to loose momentum. Instead, I have discovered that it is much more effective for me to select a theme for each season. A liv
Letting Go
Some people find it hard to let go of old habits and beliefs that unknowingly suppress their true self.It may be that they want to stay always in control of their situations or it may just be selfishness on their part. Whatever the reason, it is not good to hold on to bad habits that only seek to de
Loss and Grief - Understanding Its Nature
In one moment all that we hold dear and cherish is shattered, never to be the same. We are left floundering in a pit of uncertainty. We drown as wave after wave of unknown and unexpected emotions wash over us. In that moment, we cannot see the path forward, there is no light shining for us that guid
How Important it is to Employ a Motivational Speaker
It is fairly important to employ a motivational speaker when organizing a training camp, a seminar, or a company retreat. Bear in mind that when it comes to the events programs and talk the most impor
This Leader Spoke Straight From the Heart and Not From His Own Heart But From the Heart of God
When we read the opening verses of the Gospel of John, we read about another John. It is John the Baptist, or John the baptiser, or John the plunger. We could have prevented so much confusion in the Church of Jesus Christ if we had called him John the plunger or John the dipper, because that is exac
You can't take it with you
Recently, a friend of mine attended a funeral of a not-so-distant and humble relative. Like most funerals, the occasion was somber. An older but kindly preacher who personally knew the deceased presided over the reading ...
Who Likes You - in the Long Run?
How do you make yourself more likeable on a lasting and genuinely significant level? And why isn't "How to Win Friends and Influence People" the ultimate guide to improved relationships after all?
Olympic Crown Vs Christian Crown
Everyone runs for a crown.They sacrifice a lot to gain it.But all the crowns in the world are temporary.Why not run for an everlasting crown?
Is Your Mind Getting in the Way of Your Success?
Have you ever experienced fear of failure, or fear of success? Fear can sabotage your life and your business. Yet, every entrepreneur experiences it to some degree during their business.
The Basic Steps For an Organized, Well Stocked Pantry!
It is my belief that every home needs a well organized pantry. If you don't have the luxury of a walk in pantry, don't despair! You should be able to designate and organize an area in your home to serve as the pantry. Even if you put up shelves in your basement.
How to Develop Charismatic Leadership Skills
There are a shortage of bona fide leaders throughout the world; and even less numbers of charismatic leaders. Aspiring leaders can cultivate their leadership skills by emulating the behavior of charismatic leaders. This article outlines the necessary steps towards enhancing one's charismatic sk
Resentment and Despondency - Fearlessly Accept Your Past Wounds to Attract Different Opportunities
How do you react when somebody says something to you that you dislike? Do you justify your worth and your safety by getting up on your high horse when you perceived someone is out of line? Perhaps, you may bottle up your feelings, to where you continually have festering thoughts about that person an
FLEAs Prevent Successful Financial Growth, Fat Loss, and Personal Development
Nearly everyone has FLEAs. These are reflections of past emotional associations and determine our patterns of thinking.
NLP Techniques - Are You Already Using it to Make More Sales
Often, during our NLP practitioner program, we have practitioners asked if there are any NLP techniques that can enable them increase their sales. And more than not, those who asked if NLP can be used as a sales technique, they are usually under the impression that they can actually persuade or mani
How to Energize Your Holidays
What do you want YOUR holidays to be like?The stress of the holidays can be a real energy drainer...we can feel zapped, worn out, tired.OR we can feel energized and have a pep in our step so we enjoy the holidays.It's your choice.Learn how to decrease your energy drains, and increase your energ
Infinite Infinities
The next time you must face your bosss attitude, your mother-in-laws opinion, your slimming bank account or your expanding body, I invite you to look into your own eyes before you take any action. Who you see when you look in the mirror plays a major role in determining how you will fare as you enga