Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Resentment and Despondency - Fearlessly Accept Your Past Wounds to Attract Different Opportunities

How do you react when somebody says something to you that you dislike? Do you justify your worth and your safety by getting up on your high horse when you perceived someone is out of line? Perhaps, you may bottle up your feelings, to where you continually have festering thoughts about that person and event.
Are you a people pleaser, to be obligated and committed to someone who you now resent? Are you compromising yourself to please another's agendas? Can you be authentic, to live your truth, to express your feelings, about what is important to you? If not, do you keep dwelling on that past hurt? Are you aware that these past wounds are stopping you from attracting different opportunities to you? When you can't attract what you want in your life, what are you running and hiding from and why can't you express yourself with ease? To address the issues of can be broken down into 3 categories.
Resentment 2.
Despondency 3.
Fearless Acceptance Let's take a look at each category.
Resentment - Resentment affects and restrains you from fulfilling your future potentials and it leads to lack of enthusiasm and motivation with obtaining different opportunities and it stops you from gaining wisdom about your experiences.
It leaves you blind of your potential as it binds you to the person who is being resented.
Instead of being emotional free and having a greater choice of options, you are limited and stuck, as it drains your energy because you are directing it to be bound to the object of resentment.
Any unexpressed energies with high emotion forms some kind of dis-ease within your unconscious system and it will one day explode when the pressure builds up to a toxic level.
Stuck energy seeks release, flow, movement and expansion.
Having an agenda also creates resentment, which limits and restricts your energy from expanding and expressing fully.
Resentment and any unexpressed emotions lead to despondency and depression, from the anger that is held within.
Despondency - When you are despondent it makes you feel that you cannot escape from your limitations, you feel stuck, so your confidence and self-worth decreases, your fears and your inadequacies about self only becomes a roller coaster ride in the cycles of the up's and the down's.
The addiction of despondency is that you are hiding from discovering your own truth and are not willing to express that truth? The pay-off is the victim mode of a self-pity drama game.
What are you afraid of? Are you aware that all your answers are found within you? You cannot find your answers within the opinions or truth of another.
Another person has their own beliefs, opinions and perceptions and it is their truth at their level of consciousness.
If you take on their truth, it only becomes your lie.
Fearless Acceptance - Fear follows when you run from your resentment and hide from your despondent experiences.
You run from your resentment when you don't address your issues, the person who you are resenting and why you are being resentful.
You hide from your despondent, hidden angry experiences when you don't release the stuck energy of resentment and when you are not authentic in expressing your voice, your truth.
However, fear runs when you confront it.
Are you daring to release that stuck resentful and despondent energy - to have calm assertion and if necessary to stand alone when you stand your ground? Then, are you ready to fearlessly accept all things as they are? Any resentful, despondent and fearful experiences are just reflecting a wounded aspect of self that is hounding you in order to seek release.
When you stop being a victim of your experiences and become the master of you, can only be achieved through acceptance of all things.
Acceptance doesn't mean you have to like it, but only to accept the scenario.
Acceptance is the price of freedom; it is grounding a safe energy and it is nothing more than learning to forgive.
Acceptance is the key to unlocking your prison door of fear, bitterness, resentment and despondency, to walk away from this shadowed path and to find the light that is shining within you.
Acceptance is learning to alter your way of thinking, to expand upon your perceptions, so you can find a better way, a more empowering way.
Acceptance is finding joy and wisdom, the gift in every situation, the blessing in every experience.
When you are balanced, when you are able to be who you truly are, when you can express your authentic nature - it doesn't matter what others think, say or do.
When you are integrated and balanced with self, you are the master of you, you aren't feeding off others and they cannot feed off you.
You can express who you are with ease, grace and beauty and it doesn't matter what they say or how they react.
It only matters what is real to you, what is your truth and to be able to live your authentic nature.
If someone belittles you, if you are intimidated, humiliated, mocked or scorned at, it is only their perception that they are reflecting at their present level of consciousness.
Greet and invite in that critical or judgmental energy, know that words are meaningless, because it is just energy.
Let stuck energy go, nothing can disempower, you unless your give your permission to do so.
When you begin to express your truth, to state your point of view, when you begin to change your perceptions, and when you begin to love, honour and accept yourself and when you begin to be the manager of your life, you will begin to change your reality and you will attract different people into your life.

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