Health & Medical Self-Improvement

How to Energize Your Holidays

It's that time of year!Exciting, fun, beautiful with all the decorations and lights, and satisfying with all our unique traditions.
It can also be incredibly stressful.
Our energy can get zapped with all the activities, celebrations and things on our to-do lists.
Here's the deal about energy: it's a little bit like time.
While we, as humans, have unlimited potential and possibilities, there are some limits to our energy.
You know the feeling when your energy is drained...
that sense of being dragged down, the sheer tiredness, and perhaps, a feeling of walking around with cement blocks on your feet.
You also know the feeling when you're energized! You have a pep in your step.
The world looks brighter.
You feel more generous towards yourself and others; it's easier to accept and deal with challenges.
In fact, when our energy is restored, things that used to seem challenging and difficult just don't seem that way anymore.
When we're energized, what a gift that is to others around us-our family, our co-workers, our friends.
And what a gift it is to our self! The choice is yours: What do you want your energy to look like? Plump like a plum? Drained like a dried-up old raisin? How do you want your holidays to look like? Feel like? What is the most important gift you want to give yourself and your loved ones this year?How about joy, generosity, acceptance, and love? Give your energy a makeover this holiday season! Instructions: First, write down all the people, places, situations, and things that DRAIN your energy during the holidays.
Next, write down all the people, places, situations, and things that REVITALIZE your energy during the holidays.
Finally, identify a few things you are willing to KEEP DOING (those are the things that currently enhance your energy), STOP DOING and START DOING in order that you thrive and feel energized during the holidays.
To thrive and feel energized during the holidays I will: KEEP DOING STOP DOING START DOING

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