Are You Afraid Of Being Trapped By Another Narcissistic Personality?
After having suffered narcissistic abuse, it is common to be afraid of being tricked by another narcissist again.
Initially the person who did fall into the clutches of a narcissist was unaware. They may not have had any real knowledge of narcissistic personality disorder, and narcissist seemed so genuine, so caring, so loving, and appeared to be the perfectpartner they had been waiting their whole life for. As a result, they weretotallyunprepared and out of their depth for the narcissistic abuse that was to follow.
After experiencing the addiction to the narcissist, the shattering of the dream partner ideal, and finally having to escape and recover, it can be almost impossible to believe that real love could be possible, without falling into the trap of being abused again.
It is crucial, after being narcissistically abused, to take time out to heal. This means going on a relationship fast and not trying to date and fall in love until the individual is ready. If an individual previously abused by a narcissist tries to find another relationship as the vehicle to move on and heal, there is a high possibility of attracting and being manipulated by another narcissist.
Lack of self- love and self-belief, and trying to secure another person's approval to feel lovable is a potent recipe for disaster, and can bring the securing of a partner who will appear to be the saviour to all of your inner pain, yet will inevitably provide more damaging €lack of self'.
The fear of being abused again by anothernarcissistic personality is very commonand totally understandable. The remedy to these fears is: first of all heal - which means release the pain, resentment and traumas of what happened to you. Use the experience of being abused by a narcissist as an empowering journey of self, where you can identify, embrace and heal your previous unhealed parts and the unfinished business from childhood which led you to the experience of being abused by the narcissist in the first place.
By creating your True Self; a self that is aligned with your values and who can feel safe in the world, you will know how to implement and carry out boundaries in your life. By doing so you canhonour,trust and knowthat you can look after yourself.
After healing the inner parts of you that didn't, (even before the narcissist)feel whole, or safe, you will reach a level of personal empowerment that you never knew you could. Andthis is a healthy goal to achieve before seeking anew love relationship.
The truth of the matter is: self-work, self-recovery and self-empowerment is best done outside of an intimate love relationship, so that you have the time and safetyto dedicate diligently to healing, and are not at a high risk of attracting another unsafe partner.
If self-healing is committed to, an individual stands the best chance of never re-entering another narcissistic relationship, and creating a healthy one instead.
Initially the person who did fall into the clutches of a narcissist was unaware. They may not have had any real knowledge of narcissistic personality disorder, and narcissist seemed so genuine, so caring, so loving, and appeared to be the perfectpartner they had been waiting their whole life for. As a result, they weretotallyunprepared and out of their depth for the narcissistic abuse that was to follow.
After experiencing the addiction to the narcissist, the shattering of the dream partner ideal, and finally having to escape and recover, it can be almost impossible to believe that real love could be possible, without falling into the trap of being abused again.
It is crucial, after being narcissistically abused, to take time out to heal. This means going on a relationship fast and not trying to date and fall in love until the individual is ready. If an individual previously abused by a narcissist tries to find another relationship as the vehicle to move on and heal, there is a high possibility of attracting and being manipulated by another narcissist.
Lack of self- love and self-belief, and trying to secure another person's approval to feel lovable is a potent recipe for disaster, and can bring the securing of a partner who will appear to be the saviour to all of your inner pain, yet will inevitably provide more damaging €lack of self'.
The fear of being abused again by anothernarcissistic personality is very commonand totally understandable. The remedy to these fears is: first of all heal - which means release the pain, resentment and traumas of what happened to you. Use the experience of being abused by a narcissist as an empowering journey of self, where you can identify, embrace and heal your previous unhealed parts and the unfinished business from childhood which led you to the experience of being abused by the narcissist in the first place.
By creating your True Self; a self that is aligned with your values and who can feel safe in the world, you will know how to implement and carry out boundaries in your life. By doing so you canhonour,trust and knowthat you can look after yourself.
After healing the inner parts of you that didn't, (even before the narcissist)feel whole, or safe, you will reach a level of personal empowerment that you never knew you could. Andthis is a healthy goal to achieve before seeking anew love relationship.
The truth of the matter is: self-work, self-recovery and self-empowerment is best done outside of an intimate love relationship, so that you have the time and safetyto dedicate diligently to healing, and are not at a high risk of attracting another unsafe partner.
If self-healing is committed to, an individual stands the best chance of never re-entering another narcissistic relationship, and creating a healthy one instead.