Signs & Symptoms of Anorexia in Males
- Men also have issues with body image.gliederpuppe - gesund leben image by Ideenkoch from
Anorexia nervosa, also called simply anorexia, is a fear of being overweight to the point of an irrational obsession of being thin. This irrational behavior drives those suffering from anorexia to go to such extremes that they put themselves in danger and achieve weights that cause extreme stress on the body. Although anorexia is most common in girls and women ages 13 to 20, it can and does strike boys and men as well. In fact, nearly 7,000 out of the 70,000 people suffering with anorexia are men. - These signs include compulsive exercising. The person may insist on exercising for hours and hours on end while already in shape. He may worry overly much about weight and/or muscle tone. Male anorexics will express concern, on a daily or hourly basis, about not wanting to gain weight. When men look unusually thin, almost skeleton-like, especially if they used to be a much larger person, this is a sign. Another physical symptom is extreme fatigue or sudden hair loss without a history of either.
- Emotional signs of anorexia may involve severe depression and sudden anti-social behavior. The friend who got along with everyone may suddenly want to stay home on Saturday night. The slightest discrepancy may set him on an angry tirade. Severe mood swings and lack of sex drive are also emotional signs. If the guy has developed an obsession with dieting and analyzes every piece of food, he may be showing a red flag.
- Diet pills and laxatives have a purpose for people who need them and use them correctly. A man with anorexia will use them to the extreme. He will take double or triple the recommended dosage in order to keep from eating or to eliminate the food he just ate.