Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

Natural Flea Protection for the Yard


    • You can protect your yard from fleas through your choice of landscaping. Fleas do not thrive in full sunlight, so reduce the amount of shade in your yard by trimming back trees and shrubs. The plant pennyroyal mint is a natural flea repellent; plant it near where your pets and children play in the yard, according to "Small-Plot, High-Yield Gardening."


    • You can create your own natural sprays to repel fleas from your yard. Pour boiling water over a sliced lemon, then allow the mixture to sit for a few hours. Place the liquid in a spray bottle and use it to spray down problem areas in your yard, suggests "Green Guide," a guide to eco-friendly living. A few drops of peppermint or lavender essential oil added to water in a spray bottle also create flea-repellent solutions.


    • If you have cats in your household, avoid using lemon or citrus-based solutions, as they can make cats ill. They are safe to use with dogs and humans. If your pet or any member of your household is pregnant, take care in planting pennyroyal mint. It can induce miscarriages if ingested, warns "The Encyclopedia of Natural Pet Care."

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