Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

How to Start Pepper Plants Indoors

    • 1). Place potting soil in peat pots and pack firmly. Arrange them in the tray or pan, allowing room for them to expand.

    • 2). Water the peat pots until they are saturated. Tamp down the soil again and pour the excess water from the pan.

    • 3). Place a few seeds on top of the potting mix in each pot and, using the tweezers, push the seeds about a quarter of an inch deep. Cover the pan with plastic wrap.

    • 4). Place the pan on the heating pad, set at medium. Check the tray twice a day and remove pots as plants sprout.

    • 5). Place the new sprouts in another tray and put them under light, as close to the bulb as possible, for 15 hours a day. Mist several times a day. When the plants are 4 to 6 inches tall they can be planted outside.

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