Pest Control : Home & Garden

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Pest Control is Important for Every Household in Honolulu

Pest Control is Important for Every Household in Honolulu

Pest control for commercial and industrial organizations and even homes has surfaced as 1 of the most important aspects since the various kinds of pests threaten the health of the folks in and around
How to Naturally Get Rid of Bed Bugs - Are College Students at Risk of Getting Bed Bugs?

How to Naturally Get Rid of Bed Bugs - Are College Students at Risk of Getting Bed Bugs?

When parents get ready to send their kids off to college and they see news reports of bed bugs all over the country they begin to worry. Many people that want to know how to naturally get rid of bed bugs also want to know if their college students are at risk of getting bedbugs.
How To Get Rid Of Silverfish Bugs

How To Get Rid Of Silverfish Bugs

Discover the secrets of easy silverfish bug control, learn how to get rid of them forever, without using an exterminator! Theses methods fit any budget.
Spotting And Getting Rid Of Fleas To Protect Your Pet

Spotting And Getting Rid Of Fleas To Protect Your Pet

The warmth and cushioning of your dog's fur is what makes the fleas thrive. Not only do fleas suck blood but they are capable of biting the host up to 350 times a day. They are known to cause allergic reactions and tapeworm and can lead to further complications and health problems. You should c
Termite Eggs

Termite Eggs

Termites are not ants, but they do resemble them in many ways. In fact, termites are not even remotely related to ants, they are more closely related to cockroaches. But, as I said, termites share many traits with ants. They live in nests of many hundreds, thousands and even millions of inhabitants,
Best Solutions for Keeping Out A Raccoon From Your Property

Best Solutions for Keeping Out A Raccoon From Your Property

Raccoons are nocturnal animals. They are usually black in color, and have a black tail with rings. They weigh around 10 to 20 pounds. They usually reside in forests, in barns, chimneys or even your attic. If you live near a forest, it is likely that a raccoon will one day knock over your trashcan lo
Pesky Pigeons - The Threat Of Urban Pests

Pesky Pigeons - The Threat Of Urban Pests

Nobody is a fan of unwanted visitors to their home or place of work; urban pests in today's society not only pose a threat to health due to low quality of hygiene, but also a risk to bad reputation in the working environment. With this in mind, it's best to prevent the possibility of these
The Advantages of Hiring a Pest Control Service

The Advantages of Hiring a Pest Control Service

Not everyone opts to contact a pest control service. This is even if there is some difficulty with identifying a pest and coming up with effective solutions. Some homeowners tend to hesitate because most services have expensive fees. There are also a number of companies that are out to milk money fr
Getting Rid Of The Bugs In Your Bed

Getting Rid Of The Bugs In Your Bed

This article discusses ways to get rid of bed pests. There are natural ways to get rid of them and sprays that you can use.
Brushtail Possum Information

Brushtail Possum Information

The brush tail possum belongs to the family Phalangeridae being the common variety of the possum found in New Zealand. It is the species known as Trichosurus Vulpecula. These imported pests from Australia came into the country in the mid 1800's as a food source and as a product for trapping and
Be Familiar with Termite Inspection Sydney Services

Be Familiar with Termite Inspection Sydney Services

The article denotes us the termite inspection Sydney services. Even city based professionals are to be mentioned here.
Bed Bug Control Services & Pest Control

Bed Bug Control Services & Pest Control

Cimex Lectularius is known as bed bug. The bed bugs are small, flat, oval insects and these insects creep out in the night to feed on a sleeping person blood. These are small insects but cause several
Bed Bug Bites - Shocking Facts and Details About Bed Bug

Bed Bug Bites - Shocking Facts and Details About Bed Bug

Spreading like wild fire bed bugs are the tiny parasites that live by sucking your blood. These cunning insects have spread into almost every big city of world and due to rising temperature and changing lifestyle they are finding our homes easy place to reside. The worst thing to know about them is
Why Are Ladybugs in My House?

Why Are Ladybugs in My House?

Most of the "regular" lady beetles head for the hills in the fall and shelter in natural cavities. But the multicolored Asian lady beetle likes to spend winters at lower elevations. Our homes are perfect shelters for them. In many areas of the U.S., Asian lady beetles can swarm in very lar
Fleas Are Slowing Down Outside and Now is the Time to Get Control of These Pests in Your Home

Fleas Are Slowing Down Outside and Now is the Time to Get Control of These Pests in Your Home

Flea activity calms down at the end of summer, but they'll keep on having babies in your home if you don't take action to control them. Here's a pest control process for keeping yourself flea free through the winter months.
Get Rid of Yard Moles

Get Rid of Yard Moles

Yard moles can destroy the appearance of your lawn. Desperate homeowners and gardeners have tried an astonishing range of supposed solutions to their mole problems. Traps are the only consistently reliable way to get rid of yard moles. There are a number of different mole trap designs on the market,
Largo Fl Pest Control Companies Experience Higher Call Backs - Mild Winter to Blame-What You Can Do

Largo Fl Pest Control Companies Experience Higher Call Backs - Mild Winter to Blame-What You Can Do

Pest Control and Exterminating Companies here in Largo Florida are getting more pest complaints in April than they usually get in August or September. Abnormally high temperatures and lack of rain have insect and pest populations exploding not only in Largo but also in the other surrounding communit
7 Critical Questions You Should Ask Before You Choose a Pest Control Company

7 Critical Questions You Should Ask Before You Choose a Pest Control Company

Now you may think that you could handle the pest control of your house by yourself. You may well be able to, but you do not have the expertise to match that of people who deal with pest infestations on a daily basis.
Tips For How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

Tips For How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

Would you like to get rid of bed bugs? Well you're not alone because a lot of homeowners have been trying all the possible ways that they can in order to succeed in their mission to keep their family away from the possible harm the bed bugs may cause.
All About Winged, Flying Ants

All About Winged, Flying Ants

Why do some ants have wings? What does it mean if you see them in your home? Find out all about winged, flying ants and termites.