Home & Garden Pest Control

Pesky Pigeons - The Threat Of Urban Pests

Nobody is a fan of unwanted visitors to their home or place of work.
Urban pests in today's society not only pose a threat to health due to low quality of hygiene, but also a risk to bad reputation in the working environment.
With this in mind, it's best to prevent the possibility of these infectious invaders before they even have the chance to visit! The most common invitation for these pesky critters is the lure of free food, whether it's haute cuisine or mouldy rubbish, mice and rats will be attracted to your property if it is not properly disposed of.
Through ensuring both the interior and exterior of your home is clear from morsels of food waste, and kept in a hygienic state, is vital to keeping the pests at bay.
It's not only the ground we need to look out for, pigeons and common sparrows are becoming major threats from the sky; causing structural damage and unhygienic conditions, sometimes even life threatening illness.
Plaguing our towns and cities has become a normal occurrence for the common pigeon, with constant access to food and shelter they are breeding more than ever; causing more problems than the public realise.
As well as carrying serious diseases in the bird faeces, urban birds are prone to nesting in awkward and inappropriate places.
Nesting patterns in city birds can cause havoc for building owners everywhere and corrosion can be caused through the alkaline properties in bird poo, as well as erosion from constant disturbance of an area.
With this in mind, building owners must be made aware of how to protect their property; trapping or exterminating can be used in removing the problem, whilst netting and deterrents can be used to keep them away.
As carriers to fatal diseases such as Salmonella, Histoplasmosis, Ornithonis and Cryptococcosis, pests in our homes or businesses can be seriously damaging in different ways.
Bringing these diseases into areas such as kitchens can be particularly harmful, especially for outlets handling food; strict health regulations govern the management of hygiene and the resulting effects of pests on a business, any unhandled cases can cause an extremely bad reputation.
Unfortunately once an infestation has taken hold, it can be extremely difficult to control; managing the cleanliness of a property before a problem can escalate can be the deciding factor on how badly a situation can turn and the aftermath of the invasion.
Because of this, it is advisable to contact a professional pest control organisation, at any sign of an infestation.

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