Home & Garden Pest Control

Best Solutions for Keeping Out A Raccoon From Your Property

Raccoons are nocturnal animals.
They are usually black in color, and have a black tail with rings.
They weigh around 10 to 20 pounds.
They usually reside in forests, in barns, chimneys or even your attic.
If you live near a forest, it is likely that a raccoon will one day knock over your trashcan looking a food source.
They are opportunistic feeders, and so can be a real nuisance.
Raccoons are omnivorous, so they feed on vegetables and poultry.
There are various methods that will help you get rid of raccoons: Fencing Fencing will help exclude the raccoons from your property to do this, set up a two-wire electric fence that is connected to a DC battery.
Also make sure that you install a temporary chimney cap.
Since raccoons are nocturnal, they will not be able to gain access to your chimney when you are asleep.
Make sure that you use a trashcan with a tight lid.
Raccoons are usually attracted by the smell of your trash.
Purchase a metal or plastic trashcans, which is difficult to open.
You can also put a rock on top of the trashcan to make sure that the raccoon does not knock it over.
Alternatively, you could put the garbage in containers sealed with bungee cords.
Make sure you double bag foods that have intense smell such as meat, fish, etc.
Most pests have an acute sense of smell, and they will be attracted to your trash.
You can also spray the garbage with a repellent to disguise the smell of meat.
Stray food Do not leave any food lying around.
When you go to sleep, clean up your dining room and kitchen sink.
If you have a garden, do not leave any fruits lying fallen on the ground.
This will definitely attract vermins.
Also rake all leaves in your compound, and stay in a very neat environment.
Also make sure that you lock up any pet food or bird feed.
Raccoons also eat pet food.
If you have poultry in your compound, make sure they are securely locked up at night.
Scare tactics There are many tactics that could deter raccoons from invading your property.
You could use sprinklers, alarms bells or even light to scare them away.
This, however, is not a permanent solution.
Another good scare tactic is dogs.
If your dog is well trained, it will always chase away vermin.
Trapping This is the least preferred method.
The most common is attracting the raccoon with food and trapping it in a cage or a box.
However, some provinces have very strong regulations on trapping.
If the province does not allow this, you could be prosecuted for violating animal rights! It is also very dangerous to deal with raccoons face to face.
They could be carrying germs, roundworms or rabies.
You can even get leptospirosis from the raccoon feces.
Another problem with this is that they are wild animals.
A raccoon could decide to be defensive and hurt you.
Pest Control This is the safest method.
The Pest Control staff will deal with the vermin more effectively and without legal repercussion.

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