Eradicate Bed Bugs
Bed bugs is a small ectoparasitic insect which belong to the family of Cimicade and scientifically known as Cimes lectularius. Bed bugs are tiny, wingless, flat oval shape, reddish brown in color. Bed bugs behave like nocturnal parasites i.e. they are inactive in day light but very actively looking for human blood or other blooded animals. Bed bugs are found all around the world. Bed bugs hide themselves in cracks of furniture, walls, bed frame, sleeping mattress etc. Bed bugs can live without food for a month's so they can also be found in vacant house. Bed bugs bites with their highly developed mouth parts which contains special ingredients in its saliva which keeps clotting of blood while biting which easily gets into human skin.
Certain Bed bugs pictures are given below:
Bedbug bites:
Bedbug bites are not painful. It is difficult to differentiate between bedbug bites and mosquito bites. The only difference is bedbug bites are in straight line while mosquito bites are in random. The bedbug bites appears reddish and feels itchy. The uncovered areas of body like face, hands, arms, legs are more prone to bedbug bites. Many a times bedbug bite is unnoticeable as it bites during night time when human is sleeping. Bedbug does not carry any disease pathogen so its bites are not dangerous which leads to disease. But bed bug bites leads to rash to certain people. Bed bugs rash can occur on anywhere on the body bitten by bed bugs. Bed bugs rash can be treated by proper medication. To avoid bed bugs rash the bitten area should be immediately washed with antiseptic and water. Bed bugs treatment is necessary to cure the infection which is caused by bed bugs bites. It can also be prevented from spreading by consulting a doctor and taking proper care of infected area. It's better not scratch the affected areas b y nails which may further leads to another disease.
Bed mites also belong to the family of bed bugs. mites are the combination of bedbugs and dust mites. These are found in bed and mattress which leads to severe allergies like running nose, asthma etc. Chiggers are also certain types of mites. They live in forest, garden, grassy areas. Fleas also belong to the category mites and bugs. But it mainly feeds on four footed animals.
Getting rid of bed bugs is not very easy. It requires pest control treatment by experts. The house should be cleaned by pest controller soon. There are several others ways of getting rid from bed bugs like main proper hygiene and cleaning of the house. It is very important to kill bed bugs so that they should not reappear in the house. One can clean their mattress in hot water or can dry in hot sun. Proper prevention should be taken to keep bedbugs and similar kind of insect away from home.
Bed bugs is a small ectoparasitic insect which belong to the family of Cimicade and scientifically known as Cimes lectularius. Bed bugs are tiny, wingless, flat oval shape, reddish brown in color. Bed bugs behave like nocturnal parasites i.e. they are inactive in day light but very actively looking for human blood or other blooded animals. Bed bugs are found all around the world. Bed bugs hide themselves in cracks of furniture, walls, bed frame, sleeping mattress etc. Bed bugs can live without food for a month's so they can also be found in vacant house. Bed bugs bites with their highly developed mouth parts which contains special ingredients in its saliva which keeps clotting of blood while biting which easily gets into human skin.
Certain Bed bugs pictures are given below:
Bedbug bites:
Bedbug bites are not painful. It is difficult to differentiate between bedbug bites and mosquito bites. The only difference is bedbug bites are in straight line while mosquito bites are in random. The bedbug bites appears reddish and feels itchy. The uncovered areas of body like face, hands, arms, legs are more prone to bedbug bites. Many a times bedbug bite is unnoticeable as it bites during night time when human is sleeping. Bedbug does not carry any disease pathogen so its bites are not dangerous which leads to disease. But bed bug bites leads to rash to certain people. Bed bugs rash can occur on anywhere on the body bitten by bed bugs. Bed bugs rash can be treated by proper medication. To avoid bed bugs rash the bitten area should be immediately washed with antiseptic and water. Bed bugs treatment is necessary to cure the infection which is caused by bed bugs bites. It can also be prevented from spreading by consulting a doctor and taking proper care of infected area. It's better not scratch the affected areas b y nails which may further leads to another disease.
Bed mites also belong to the family of bed bugs. mites are the combination of bedbugs and dust mites. These are found in bed and mattress which leads to severe allergies like running nose, asthma etc. Chiggers are also certain types of mites. They live in forest, garden, grassy areas. Fleas also belong to the category mites and bugs. But it mainly feeds on four footed animals.
Getting rid of bed bugs is not very easy. It requires pest control treatment by experts. The house should be cleaned by pest controller soon. There are several others ways of getting rid from bed bugs like main proper hygiene and cleaning of the house. It is very important to kill bed bugs so that they should not reappear in the house. One can clean their mattress in hot water or can dry in hot sun. Proper prevention should be taken to keep bedbugs and similar kind of insect away from home.